Cant download ez
plz help me ur lician dont dont work it tell me an eroor
Lucian Scrip started giving this error can you help me plz..
Thanks For the scripts Bro.
del all libs in common and script folder, turn on autoupdate libs in gos loader.
restart the loader
del all libs in common and script folder, turn on autoupdate libs in gos loader.
restart the loader
Thank you friend the problem was solved
Graves didnt work -,-
How i install ?
pls update lucian combo E logic
Graves almost never Q's when doing combo or harass
Graves almost never Q's when doing combo or harass
I just tested the graves script this morning, are you sure you're disabling the GOS combo? That will cause you to have a delay since it is trying to register auto attacks in between the scripts auto attacks and skill combos. I jungled with him and everything worked perfectly. Auto ult and everything. >_> Maybe turn Humanizer off as well, since you don't have to worry about crazy orb walking 'cause of the low attack speed.
Also, I wanted to +1 Noddy 'cause this Corki is... the ****ing ****. <3
The best.
Hi, bro. i got a feedback for Miss F, when i use combo and MISS F use the ult , and she will move, then the ult cancel.
How can i make MIss F not moving again when the combo at ult time.
Hi, bro. i got a feedback for Miss F, when i use combo and MISS F use the ult , and she will move, then the ult cancel.
How can i make MIss F not moving again when the combo at ult time.
i think you have to turn off evade, auto dodge and dangerous dodge both must turn off. and see how miss fortune ult.
i think you have to turn off evade, auto dodge and dangerous dodge both must turn off. and see how miss fortune ult.
Ill try it, thx
Hello, Thanks for the good work on the scripts!
Can I request for you to add in Hextec Gunblade to the auto item activate please?
Thank you very much. <3
Can u somehow disable mana manager? Its really annoying...
Please add Cait <3
plz help me ur lician dont dont work it tell me an eroor
worst error feedback 2015
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