Ezreal is goood, but this lane clear (n)
.. Can u add fast lane clear? spamming Q to farm e.e
Ezreal is goood, but this lane clear (n)
.. Can u add fast lane clear? spamming Q to farm e.e
Ezreal is goood, but this lane clear (n)
.. Can u add fast lane clear? spamming Q to farm e.e
This would be awesome.
is this gonna be updated anytime soon?
Twitch doesnt use Q in combo. pls add Q alway in combo
will you add jinx ever?
Twitch not use Q in combo. pls fix
Hi Lucian script doesnt work. It doesnt appear in game, only appear the orbwalk. So good script btw ^^ Congratz
FPS Drops at Cait
twitch E doesnt active when he has enough dmg to kill someone or ks, can u add to the combo the R? so i can Q then press combo hotkey and auto R-W, nice scripts btw, lucian and is OP
Your scripts Awesome
For me ezreal doesnt work
hes not using any spell
Small update 0.62
Small update 0.62
Lucian in Vip version faster than that?
carried the game with your corki script. GJ!
Ezreal is goood, but this lane clear (n)
.. Can u add fast lane clear? spamming Q to farm e.e
Hi i have problem with ezreal http://prntscr.com/b05vll
It doesnt work
It doesnt work
Hello , I ask the other he is saying we can expect a saw that there was the maj
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