For whatever reason, champs don't use skills anymore.
It was working fine till today, what's more yesterday was working perfectly.
What happened?
For whatever reason, champs don't use skills anymore.
It was working fine till today, what's more yesterday was working perfectly.
What happened?
For whatever reason, champs don't use skills anymore.
It was working fine till today, what's more yesterday was working perfectly.
What happened?
redownload your common folder
redownload your common folder
Where is it located? or how i do it?
Where is it located?
or how i do it?
You can find your common folder by opening the GoS loader, rightclick into the empty ,,scripts'' area and press Common Folder.
I might be wrong, but i think its enough if u press Uninstall and Delete, after that you just install it again.
If not, redownload the loader.
Tyvm now it says something about app data not existing >.<
Just re-download the loader, will fix anything
Re-dl loader, still app data error T_T
Re-dl loader, still app data error T_T
screenshot please
does it still works in patch 7.5?
does it still works in patch 7.5?
it should work for every patch unless riot change something to champions gameplay
Kalista doesnt Q, redownloaded the folder and everything
The kalista one it's working like a charm.
Is there a full list of supported champs?
Kalista is a beast for me, thank you!
Howthe hell is Kalista working for u all? I have tried everything, uninstalling, deleting the whole folder, common folder etc. All the other scripts are fine, but with this kalista wont use her q and auto items etc.
lucian dont working
I'm using this script in combination with MEObeo libs, GoSwalk and challenger evade.
lucian dont working
doesnt support lucian
how to download?
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