You mean downgrade ?
Why are you still on v16
:D idk bro using some old scripts LoL
im gonna update to see how its working
support v21? and thx so much i love your work:)
its working and its awesome gj dude
You mean downgrade ?
Why are you still on v16
:D idk bro using some old scripts LoL
im gonna update to see how its working
support v21? and thx so much i love your work:)
its working and its awesome gj dude
:D idk bro using some old scripts LoL
im gonna update to see how its working
support v21? and thx so much i love your work:)
Yes my scripts working on v21
FPS drop late game.
Make Quin also please
Have fun ♥
experiencing some fps drops while using
but i think its not the problem from the scripts here right..?
maybe inspired?
Twitch releasedHave fun ♥
I love this so much OP invisible rat.
experiencing some fps drops while using
but i think its not the problem from the scripts here right..?
maybe inspired?
It should be Inspired that cause fps drops
I love this so much OP invisible rat.
Thanks :3
i suggest maybe we can still use the inspired v19 to avoid the fps drop now
wait until the inspired updated with no fps drop
i suggest maybe we can still use the inspired v19 to avoid the fps drop now
wait until the inspired updated with no fps drop
Yes you can still use V19 works as well
Link: https://raw.githubus...on/Inspired.lua
I dont own Kalista
-Twitch Feedback
-IOW slow delay is like -20% attack speed for Laneclear AA vs GoS config max 2.50% attack speed Laneclear AA pretty Faster delay
slow spell cast W 2 sec AA. i think IOW problem lel.
-Twitch Feedback
-IOW slow delay Laneclear AA vs GoS config Laneclear AA pretty Faster delay
Noddy's ADC script just require "inspired" but not any IOW/IAC
so just turn on the GOS inbuild orbwalker in F7 and everything will be alright
Twitch error
Sivir pls
Twitch error
it not twitch. it all champion bugsplat, happen to me when Sion ult too fat to ddos me.
I added Items to Corki for my personal use. Ill share it as long as youre fine with it
i take no credit
BotRK, Cutlass, Ghostblade, Elixir of Wrath
Yey The Rat Is Release Already
nice scripts it s OP
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