whats the goal of this project?
its to help developers or it'll be just for your champions?
Best Answer gamsteron , 12 April 2018 - 09:30
Added auto updater + .exe installer (you need run it only once - this is open source exe file - you can see code in any .net debugger)
GsoLibs Installer: https://github.com/g...s/tag/Installer
You need wait for: "download complete ..." status.
This will create folders, add auto updater, download all files from https://github.com/gamsteron/gsoLibs + download testLoader.lua to Scripts folder
Select testLoader.lua in loader.exe and you can use my new orbwalker.
Go to the full post »whats the goal of this project?
its to help developers or it'll be just for your champions?
whats the goal of this project?
its to help developers or it'll be just for your champions?
both. If you not tested my new orbwalker yet then what are you waiting for ? This orbwalker is much better than old gamsteronOrb.
devs will have nice API
For example simple autoupdater: (0 crashes + fast download)
if _G.gsoSDK.AutoUpdate:CanUpdate(0.01, "https://raw.githubus...bLoader.version") then
_G.gsoSDK.AutoUpdate:Update(COMMON_PATH .. "gsoLibs\\LibLoader.lua", "https://raw.githubus...LibLoader.lua")
both. If you not tested my new orbwalker yet then what are you waiting for ?
This orbwalker is much better than old gamsteronOrb.
devs will have nice API
For example simple autoupdater:
if _G.gsoSDK.AutoUpdate:CanUpdate(0.01, "https://raw.githubus...bLoader.version") then
_G.gsoSDK.AutoUpdate:Update(COMMON_PATH .. "gsoLibs\\LibLoader.lua", "https://raw.githubus...LibLoader.lua")
I'll do, tyvm for your effort.
I'm not too much experienced but I'll try to dev something using it ^^
both. If you not tested my new orbwalker yet then what are you waiting for ?
This orbwalker is much better than old gamsteronOrb.
devs will have nice API
For example simple autoupdater: (0 crashes + fast download)
if _G.gsoSDK.AutoUpdate:CanUpdate(0.01, "https://raw.githubus...bLoader.version") then
_G.gsoSDK.AutoUpdate:Update(COMMON_PATH .. "gsoLibs\\LibLoader.lua", "https://raw.githubus...LibLoader.lua")
btw i use your AIO and your old orb for varus which i rly love it is this orb is done? and if is not a secret what i need to download?
Are you gonna add a jungle clear ?
jak idą prace?
tested ur orb 1 big word AMAZING it feels like the internal orbs.. nothing bad to say about ur work im so happy that u comeback ... will donate for sure dude
Kindred+evade+this orbwalk = SOME INTERESTING STUFF
your script is so good man, this is the reason i keep using ext
https://github.com/g...soLibs/releases -> run exe file only once, select testLoader.lua in loader.exe
tested ur orb 1 big word AMAZING it feels like the internal orbs.. nothing bad to say about ur work im so happy that u comeback ... will donate for sure dude
Kindred+evade+this orbwalk = SOME INTERESTING STUFF
your script is so good man, this is the reason i keep using ext
I feel motivated thanks Today i will try integrate gamsteronAIO with new gsoLibs.
I feel motivated thanks
Today i will try integrate gamsteronAIO with new gsoLibs.
I wish you continued success with a very pleasing news.
I feel motivated thanks
Today i will try integrate gamsteronAIO with new gsoLibs.
Please keep up the good work. I rarely post here but I want you to know that you are arguably the most valuable developer on ext and we appreciate you a lot.
Thank you for the hard work! Can't wait to try out the new AIO with the new orb
To my thread, thx
i get the above getdistance2d error as well
i did (hope i did) all u said to do.. when i untick the test lowader and u want to get ic orb its not working http://prntscr.com/j6q7xd
when i am tring to use your orb lib its making this error http://prntscr.com/j6q8si
help me please because now i cant use the ext att all
also could u add xayah
i get the above getdistance2d error as well
I commited a fix to it to his github, wait him to check for it.
For now, you can just change the prediction and the error should stop.
nice work like always
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