I have checked, it is fine here is the github link for you:Alistar link on github is not working
I have checked, it is fine here is the github link for you:Alistar link on github is not working
coz Gamsteron posted a link Alistar that works for gamsteron orb
coz Gamsteron posted a link Alistar that works for gamsteron orb
Yeah, Sorry i got that in the alistar topic, I am asking this to gamsteron he may update it. I'll let you know if i get something.
Lazy AOI tryndamere is still free elo, if you dont know how to play tryndamere just watch some Foggedftw2 twitch stream to learn from him (here is his spreadsheet on how to play&build against every matchup: https://docs.google....lview?sle=true# )
script used: Gamsteron Orb - LazyAIO (Tryndamere) - Premium AOI (u really dont need it, I use it only for the spell tracker, ignite killsteal & recall tracker) you can use "siimple activator" instead of premium AOI
Irelia Added.
thanks for this method. it works rly well and im happy with it haha gj!
thanks for this method. it works rly well and im happy with it haha gj!
You are welcome :=)
i'd suggest adding in that you need to install http://gamingonstero...prediction-api/ also, quite a few people have had issues with "script isn't using combo" and generally the answer is they didn't add this prediction library
other than that, this is a great write up of working scripts thanks a ton for taking the time to write this
i'd suggest adding in that you need to install http://gamingonstero...prediction-api/ also, quite a few people have had issues with "script isn't using combo" and generally the answer is they didn't add this prediction library
other than that, this is a great write up of working scripts
thanks a ton for taking the time to write this
You are welcome, and thank you for your good comment .:=)
There is no Veigar in PussyAIO just tested
There is no Veigar in PussyAIO just tested
what for version you use??
My standard AIO included Veigar, my reworked AIO not...
Iam rework my AIO and not all champs are include at this time.
If you need to play Veigar then download standard AIO..
Oh okay i thought the standard was outdated then yes my bad
Anyway i dont know if any scripts work well for you, but yesterday i tried almost every AIO, LazyXerath, etc.. et the orbwalker is a bit messy, is that your case too ? It misses a lot of creeps, the combo goes in front of enemies to place a spell rather than stay safe behind
I tried WR aio for lucian to see if it works like in the video but it doesnt work well, it does E at the end of the fight when the enemy is almost dead, but never to do the full lucian combo.
Maybe i miss some files in my libraries ? Can you guys tell us every files you use in your folders to make everything work fine ? So i can download them and do like you and see if it was me
Anyway i dont know if any scripts work well for you, but yesterday i tried almost every AIO, LazyXerath, etc.. et the orbwalker is a bit messy, is that your case too ? It misses a lot of creeps, the combo goes in front of enemies to place a spell rather than stay safe behind
I tried WR aio for lucian to see if it works like in the video but it doesnt work well, it does E at the end of the fight when the enemy is almost dead, but never to do the full lucian combo.
Maybe i miss some files in my libraries ? Can you guys tell us every files you use in your folders to make everything work fine ? So i can download them and do like you and see if it was me
Hello, for lazy xerath You should change orbwalker combo hotkey to a unused key. If you have gamsteron orb you should do this on gso orbwalker menu. (It's for just Lazy Xerath, If you want to play another champ then make the combo key space again.)
Also If you have evade it sometimes causes that issue, you may want to disable auto dodge. (Only draws)
Also Lucian works really good, you should try to disable evade and try it with gamsteron orbwalker.
Thanks will try
Lucian from WRAIO is crushing game....setting default...i press space and boom crush... All keys used for script are unbind...
Lucian from WRAIO is crushing game....setting default...i press space and boom crush... All keys used for script are unbind...
Can you try without Evade?
(Click)Gso Orbwalker (#Compatible With All Ext Scripts)
To make EXT FPS better (Click)
Best Awareness,Minimap hack etc. (Click)
Activator (Click)
Xerath (Click)
Lucian (Click)
Jax (Click)
Irelia (Click)
Thresh (Click)
Alistar (Click)
Saga AIO(Click)Zoe,Irelia, Orianna, Katarina, Syndra, Viktor, Zed, Jinx, Yasuo, Lee sin, Talon, Diana, Karthus
GamsteronAIO(Click)Vayne,Ezreal,Karthus,Twitch,KogMaw,Varus,Brand,Morgana and more
WinRateAIO(Click) Kalista,Corki,Lucian,Twitch,Darius,Ashe,Draven,Ezreal,Jax,Riven Vladimir, Xayah and more
14AIO(Click) Orianna, Sivir, Brand, Naut, Lulu, Yasuo, Morgana, Blitz, Vi, Zilean, Kha zix and more
Pussy AIO (Click) ,Morgana Xinzhao, Kassadin, Veigar, Tristana, Warwick, Neeko, Cassiopeia, Malzahar, Zyra, Sylas, Kayle, Morgana, Ekko and more
Trundle (Click)
727 Exod motun35 dk1ng LeighaLish Negative Dogesensei inyabooty Expyvolts Shulepin and Feretorix
wr aio kalista crash game sience patch 10.04 pussy aio have really bad e usage
(Click)Gso Orbwalker (#Compatible With All Ext Scripts)
To make EXT FPS better (Click)
Best Awareness,Minimap hack etc. (Click)
Activator (Click)
Xerath (Click)
Lucian (Click)
Jax (Click)
Irelia (Click)
Thresh (Click)
Alistar (Click)
Saga AIO(Click)Zoe,Irelia, Orianna, Katarina, Syndra, Viktor, Zed, Jinx, Yasuo, Lee sin, Talon, Diana, Karthus
GamsteronAIO(Click)Vayne,Ezreal,Karthus,Twitch,KogMaw,Varus,Brand,Morgana and more
WinRateAIO(Click) Kalista,Corki,Lucian,Twitch,Darius,Ashe,Draven,Ezreal,Jax,Riven Vladimir, Xayah and more
14AIO(Click) Orianna, Sivir, Brand, Naut, Lulu, Yasuo, Morgana, Blitz, Vi, Zilean, Kha zix and more
Pussy AIO (Click) ,Morgana Xinzhao, Kassadin, Veigar, Tristana, Warwick, Neeko, Cassiopeia, Malzahar, Zyra, Sylas, Kayle, Morgana, Ekko and more
Trundle (Click)
727 Exod motun35 dk1ng LeighaLish Negative Dogesensei inyabooty Expyvolts Shulepin and Feretorix
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