Still tons of champs on my List, right after those are done
But I wanted it, months ago...
Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
Still tons of champs on my List, right after those are done
But I wanted it, months ago...
But I wanted it, months ago...
Everyone wants everything
Everyone wants everything
I am not everyone.
Error kaisa
everything quick cast, if i use some spells myself then sometimes with indicator
Thank you!
With all due respect, how much coffee do want for champions like maokai and fizz?
@EDIT: Akali, Gnar... Tell me the menu price
Whatever happened to what you PM'd me? Did not work as planned? Still excited for it haha.
Whatever happened to what you PM'd me?
Did not work as planned? Still excited for it haha.
If i tell you something is done and im going to test it before release, doesnt mean its going to be within hours. Please be a little patient.
Of course, but when you said going to play a game or two than release, I figured that meant like ~24hr. Haha, just messing with you a bit, no rush! Keep up the great work!
Also - Your rengar OP!
Usually this is what i mean, though im very busy at work these days, so im glad if i can spend more than an hour a week on league :/Of course, but when you said going to play a game or two than release, I figured that meant like ~24hr. Haha, just messing with you a bit, no rush! Keep up the great work!
Galio dont use spells for me. Using ICs
Update / redownload
<3 tks
Works! Thank you <3
can u add x stacks on kalista?
can u add x stacks on kalista?
Rengar doesn't W in combo anymore.
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