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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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Thread Updated Jan 7 2021


This script is not new. There may be some broken things in it and if that's the case PLEASE report the problems so I can update things. This script uses a different approach to scripting compared to what most developers aim for so please be sure to read the champion feature descriptions carefully. This script took a stupid amount of development as I kept finding things I wished the GOS API did and then going back and emulating that functionality from scratch vs just focusing on champions. The more people I can get testing it and offering feedback on new builds the better! This script will update every time it's loaded so it will need to input from the end user. Credits to RMan as he pioneered that system years ago and I basically stole the auto update code ;)



How to use Auto 3.0

  • Download the loader: https://github.com/S...aster/Auto3.rar
  • Extract the contents to your scripts folder (A.lua goes in main scripts folder, common folder gets merged with existing one)
  • Open the loader and select A.lua as an active script as well as GG Orbwalker (REQUIRED TO USE)
  • Open a game of league
  • Champion scripts will load after 30 seconds in game


What should I expect?


The point of this script is NOT to hold spacebar and watch the game be played for you. The goal is to have the script help anytime it thinks it can pull off something that human reaction (or at least low elo reaction) simply cant. This means things like auto stunning people who are dashing, auto casting shields when an ally is about to take damage, auto casting a brand Q if your manual W is about to hit with perfect timing...


There IS some combo logic but don't expect it to be as advanced as some dedicated combo based scripts for some champions. The goal here is to have it assist your manual gameplay, not have it teamfight for you. 



What champions and features does this support?



-Twin Shadows



































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Gonna test it
Feedback as reply on Forum or discord?
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just test it and this lux is way way better than other once u have in auto :)

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Gonna test it
Feedback as reply on Forum or discord?



More people we can get in discord the better but replies are also fine

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could you add akali? It would be very interesting a script made by you from Akali, 90% winrate assured.

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could you add akali? It would be very interesting a script made by you from Akali, 90% winrate assured.



I've got like 10 champs still to move over from 2.0 into 3.0 plus a LOT of work to do still on the core API. New champs are not something I'm looking at doing right now. 


It's my opinion that melee heroes and assassins aren't that great with scripts because most of the mechanical outplay potential is generally not done well by scripts. All they can hope to do is calculate who they can kill and execute a combo reliably/quickly. There's nothing 'wrong' with that but I feel like skillshot and combo heroes are usually a better fit for most scripts.

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I can provide good feedback and telling what would be good in scripts. if interested pm me.

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Is this supporting btw evade?

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It's my opinion that melee heroes and assassins aren't that great with scripts because most of the mechanical outplay potential is generally not done well by scripts. All they can hope to do is calculate who they can kill and execute a combo reliably/quickly. There's nothing 'wrong' with that but I feel like skillshot and combo heroes are usually a better fit for most scripts.


And u are true !

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Quick feedback; Brand is not casting spells? I tried like 2minute and I had stop since I was in ranked match. I looked up fast settings and combo and auto had same accuracy settings (here should be auto higher chance % to hit and combo lower hit % & faster)


Fiora seems good but stopping casting E and Q randomly in fights. Not sure if its waiting to other come up if you use Q or E yourself.

Fiora not using Q from distance example when chasing (it waits probably to Q have vitality range)

There should be force R keybutton (example list where u can choose duel target OR force target) 

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Trying to use oriana, says it will load 30 seconds in game but nothing coming up for me

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I've got like 10 champs still to move over from 2.0 into 3.0 plus a LOT of work to do still on the core API. New champs are not something I'm looking at doing right now. 


It's my opinion that melee heroes and assassins aren't that great with scripts because most of the mechanical outplay potential is generally not done well by scripts. All they can hope to do is calculate who they can kill and execute a combo reliably/quickly. There's nothing 'wrong' with that but I feel like skillshot and combo heroes are usually a better fit for most scripts.

Yeah, Akali's pretty pointless to write a script for since all her skills are targeted and most of the skill comes with the mind games with her shroud. 


I would like to see a Jhin script at some point as the existing prediction is really bad with his ult, and I feel like he would be the best fit for Auto amongst ADCs. But obviously you have your priorities first.


BTW, I finally got to see Ahri's dodge in action, worked splendidly against Blitz hook. 

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Quick feedback; Brand is not casting spells? I tried like 2minute and I had stop since I was in ranked match. I looked up fast settings and combo and auto had same accuracy settings (here should be auto higher chance % to hit and combo lower hit % & faster)


Fiora seems good but stopping casting E and Q randomly in fights. Not sure if its waiting to other come up if you use Q or E yourself.

Fiora not using Q from distance example when chasing (it waits probably to Q have vitality range)

There should be force R keybutton (example list where u can choose duel target OR force target) 


So to be clear fiora is/was intended as an assist tool, not a full champ script... but because the assist covers like 80% of her gameplay I'll prob work on adding some more functionality to her later. 


I believe I told you in discord but she can only dodge/block skills alpha has logged, it's missing a good 30% of league heroes still and is in development. Ideally a few other developers will step in and help me finish it up but I'm not holding my breath lol. 


R is not used at all right now nor is gapcloser Q. It only uses Q to pinpoint vitals. Again, that's something that may change later. 



Brand certainly should be using skills. What accuracy did you have it all set to? I played a few games with him earlier and it absolutely dominated. Are any other scripts being used at the same time besides IC Orbwalker?




Trying to use oriana, says it will load 30 seconds in game but nothing coming up for me

uhh... oriana isn't even in this script... did you look at the list?

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So to be clear fiora is/was intended as an assist tool, not a full champ script... but because the assist covers like 80% of her gameplay I'll prob work on adding some more functionality to her later. 


I believe I told you in discord but she can only dodge/block skills alpha has logged, it's missing a good 30% of league heroes still and is in development. Ideally a few other developers will step in and help me finish it up but I'm not holding my breath lol. 


R is not used at all right now nor is gapcloser Q. It only uses Q to pinpoint vitals. Again, that's something that may change later. 



Brand certainly should be using skills. What accuracy did you have it all set to? I played a few games with him earlier and it absolutely dominated. Are any other scripts being used at the same time besides IC Orbwalker?




uhh... oriana isn't even in this script... did you look at the list?



Default settings. I used only orbwalk + A.lua. Is evade friendly?

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it's not intended for use with any other scripts at this point no
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Good stuff so far! Not sure what could be causing it, but on fiora she tends to stick after engaging in combo. What i mean is she somewhat stutters and does not orbwalk for quite some time during the combo just stands there.


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This lacks drawings for skill range.


Also I noticed this casts less spells on Brand compared to 2.0 even with minimal accuracy, feels less effective somehow.

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Hello there. Thanks for the new version. Ahri needs to change the combo system. You can apply a combo like REWQ. E is very rarely used. It is better to use E after using R. Also the combo starts with R.

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Hello there. Thanks for the new version. Ahri needs to change the combo system. You can apply a combo like REWQ. E is very rarely used. It is better to use E after using R. Also the combo starts with R.


Dashes like Ahri's R are best initiated manually IMO, other skills related to that are like Kaisa's E. I've had no issue initiating combo with her and pressing my combo key for a nice EQW. 

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