Buff.type fixed by Feretorix.
Return of the free winzsz
Buff.type fixed by Feretorix.
Return of the free winzsz
Return of the free winzsz
randomly stop working for me idk why. playing with cassio and its disgusting that i have to reload everytime.. is there an solution or smt?
Any chance we could get a toggle for the kayle script to just flat out NOT use ult? The script has really really bad pred on ult - uses it just entirely randomly. Sometimes it will ult you while full health because someone auto attacked you once, sometimes it just flat out won't use it, adjusting settings seems to change effectively nothing.
The rest of the script works great, but ult is just trash lol
Any chance we could get a toggle for the kayle script to just flat out NOT use ult? The script has really really bad pred on ult - uses it just entirely randomly. Sometimes it will ult you while full health because someone auto attacked you once, sometimes it just flat out won't use it, adjusting settings seems to change effectively nothing.
The rest of the script works great, but ult is just trash lol
Can you give an example of champions and situations? The ult logic was 99.9% accurate when I wrote and used it. It has perfect calculation of incoming damage (for supported spells) and so was able to do some really neat stuff. Sounds to me like it might be triggering things like anti gapcloser or ult on CC which was intended for saving key allies from assassins (auto ult vayne as soon as rengar jumps at them regardless of hp for example)
I can't seem to save the settings I change in the soraka script, it resets after 2x f6 for some reason. The activator and such saved the changes, but not the hero script.
Can you add garen's ultimate damage prediction bar?
brak pracy auto 3.0 praca 2.0 dlaczego ??
is it the same?
Is this working consistently for people? I just get Wndmsg errors before it crashes at the start of each game.
Is this working consistently for people? I just get Wndmsg errors before it crashes at the start of each game.
Guessing ziggs? He's the only champ I see wndmsg referenced in and so I've removed it in his script. Not sure why you're using champs that dont have high ratings though. Refer to first post.
im not sure if it was suggested, but maybe add a toggle button for auto Q for ezreal?
for scenarios where youre running away and its just auto Q'ing.
if this function is already available i apologize ill look for it.
Cassiopeia sometimes still AA even if disabled. It's a problem with GSO orbwalker probaly?
dumb question, what is the IC orbwalker?
dumb question, what is the IC orbwalker?
Never mind took me about 30 minutes to find how to navigate around
Still fresh ?
Still fresh ?
things dont magically go out of date unless a hero is reworked
things dont magically go out of date unless a hero is reworked
Or broken api ^^
Thiis ^
I played zilean today first time with auto.
that's a champ i used to play since s3, always got high elo with!
the script bearly shoots Q's by itself, I had to do it by hand.
am I missing something?
should i lover accurecy?
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