Best Answer iSaga , 15 September 2018 - 09:59
Tightened E on Irelia and Fixed her damage on her spells. (No more missing minions)
Camille - Fixed some damage and gave her more logic on harass and clear.
Other champs had minor prediction/dmg tweaks. You will see as they updated.
Go to the full post »The AIO Is an Auto Updater as well
Credit Goes to WR since it uses the same Auto Updater, but with my modifications
1) Put iSaga.lua in Sctipt folder
2) Put iSagaScripts in Common Folder
3) Run iSaga.lua from loader.
4) Wam Bam Thank You Ma'am
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Beta Scripts are created there for testing!
Feed back is Always appreciated!
LONG Testimonials
IF for whatever reason you choose to not use the AIO you can download the scripts individually and put them inside the script folder manually. It will still work.
Huge thanks to Aristo for Pinning my post. Everytime I need help he is always there and responsive. He always adds my scripts to the database and ensures people reach out to my scripts. The guy literally never sleeps and does a lot for a one man show.
Thank you Aristo!
I think I got home just in time to try this out! Thank you for the work!
Thanks for big effort, topic is pinned, you deserved it.
Hot Russian is here.
I think u should mention that AiO will have same performance like it was when using scripts individually. Gj m8. Keep up the good work!
I think u should mention that AiO will have same performance like it was when using scripts individually. Gj m8. Keep up the good work!
That is very true. It only calls the script I ask to run. It is exactly like running my scripts individually. Thank you for the comment!
Nice work! i will test every script, thanks for you work
U should tell ppl that everything is compatible with Gso orb
A question : ur beta version of discord will be in this AIO or only final release ?
Help me.
In my, the message "check installation instructions on forum" appears, I have already put the script .lua file in the script folder and the common folder.
Edited by gargaxarpi, 02 July 2018 - 12:52 .
Hello guys. Could someone please make another download link, such as midiafire? My computer has a problem and for a few days I can not access work, folks. It looks really good.Thank you very much.
Use a VPN.
Big fan
Use a VPN.
Thx Bro
Edited by Xeaqur, 02 July 2018 - 03:30 .
You make some dope fking scripts bro nice work
If it did not stop ult to ks its because it wasnt ksable. I showed this on my regular forum post theres a gif there. Ill add an extra check so that it will auto move for you. Basically if a target is low during ult channel kat will slightly move to stop ult channel. Ill figure something out when i get home.i tried 2 ob with yasuo .. the normal one and IC . both with them yasuo not really going for combat .. almost not using E at all only for take last hit minions and thats rarely .. the KS is perfect . Q3 most of the times missed and when i say missed i mean to really another way sometimes to the enemy way but most of the times its doing Q3 to really far away from the enemy if its behind or the side . not using comboes at all only when im doing something its start to react somehow ..
Katarina works great . combos kite etc . everything is great but 1 thing .. when click spacebar (combo) its waiting so much time for casting E after the Q landing . and if she using ult and no one around she dosnt cancel the ult for take kills . i think it will be great if you will fix it when have available moment to kill she will take the kill and going to the other enemy.
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