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[OKAY✔️][13.x] 14AIO [26 Champion][Pantheon, Garen, tristana and Ashe Release]

Best Answer Aristo , 03 April 2023 - 02:41

14AIO Crash issue is fixed! Thanks to Impuls :)

You can re-install my AIO thingy and get the scripts easily: 


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Dunno if you saw my post on discord about your pantheon which is one of the best champ to carry solo: 


About your pantheon I really liked it but you really should disable Q2 (long range Q) in combo mode I got killed so many times because of it: when you try to Q2 it slow your movement-speed and the script wont cancel it even when the enemy come in my AA range (but it should still use Q2 to killsteal),
Also its better if the combo logic start with "W" then "Q1" (Short range Q) instead of trying to start with Q2 because it feels really weird when I can just walk up and "W"+"Q1", So most of the time I'm forced to start manually the combo with "W"
then you should add an harass mode with an option to enable/disable Q1 and Q2 separately, because Q1 does a lot of dmg and with passive fully stack its an execution at 15%hp
tl;dr: the script should prioritize Q1 over Q2
Finally, it's an extra but if you have time could you add a setting to block most Ult with his E like: Kata R, Grave R, Syndra R, etc. 
Thanx in advance!

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any chance you could add daruis or fiora or a top champs

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by the way  buddy ur pantheon is #1 and most of your scripts !!!!!

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ur jax dont work mate needs updated champ

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ur jax dont work mate needs updated champ

just tested. it work

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Dunno if you saw my post on discord about your pantheon which is one of the best champ to carry solo: 


About your pantheon I really liked it but you really should disable Q2 (long range Q) in combo mode I got killed so many times because of it: when you try to Q2 it slow your movement-speed and the script wont cancel it even when the enemy come in my AA range (but it should still use Q2 to killsteal),
Also its better if the combo logic start with "W" then "Q1" (Short range Q) instead of trying to start with Q2 because it feels really weird when I can just walk up and "W"+"Q1", So most of the time I'm forced to start manually the combo with "W"
then you should add an harass mode with an option to enable/disable Q1 and Q2 separately, because Q1 does a lot of dmg and with passive fully stack its an execution at 15%hp
tl;dr: the script should prioritize Q1 over Q2
Finally, it's an extra but if you have time could you add a setting to block most Ult with his E like: Kata R, Grave R, Syndra R, etc. 
Thanx in advance!


Point 1 , 2 fixed
Point 3 Q1 and Q2 same dmg, so Q2 also does extra dmg with passive

Point 4 lazy

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updated some ****. remember redownload

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It's not shooting W for me on Ashe. I suspect none of the abilities are working. Is it happening to anyone else?

I am running 14aio with gamerston orb and gamerston prediction. Just these 3.

Last hit is working well on minions and combo is autoattacking champions, but no spells are casting!

W is enabled in my menu for Ashe harass and combo


Edit: Someone helped me on discord and I figured it out. I think my GamsteroPrediction.lua was not in the expected place.

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It's not shooting W for me on Ashe. I suspect none of the abilities are working. Is it happening to anyone else?

I am running 14aio with gamerston orb and gamerston prediction. Just these 3.

Last hit is working well on minions and combo is autoattacking champions, but no spells are casting!

W is enabled in my menu for Ashe harass and combo


Edit: Someone helped me on discord and I figured it out. I think my GamsteroPrediction.lua was not in the expected place.

had this problem too just reload script

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ashe literally does nothing in this



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twitch, and ashe do not work on this. and i highly doubt any of the others work and if they do theyre usually half broken or don't combo correctly

*Tristana only uses q and e and is really awful at kiting, canceled about 30% of the autos

who said twitch supported?


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twitch, and ashe do not work on this. and i highly doubt any of the others work and if they do theyre usually half broken or don't combo correctly

*Tristana only uses q and e and is really awful at kiting, canceled about 30% of the autos

And yes, tristana has some problem with E usage because i forgot to upload the new version of tristana.
thanks for report and a fixed version uploaded

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This does not work with gamsteron's new orbwalker, which might be why some people have problems. For example, when using old GamsteronOrbwalker, 14AIO for Kha'zix uses all spells. With the new GGOrbwalker, it does not cast Kha'zix Q (it does print debug message though).

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this AIO deprecated and wont be updated anymore. new 14Series is coming. 

14AIO will still working.

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this AIO deprecated. new 14Series is coming. 

waiting for the lulu :D (your lulu + gamsteron Kog'Maw duo scripting is the best)

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This does not work with gamsteron's new orbwalker, which might be why some people have problems. For example, when using old GamsteronOrbwalker, 14AIO for Kha'zix uses all spells. With the new GGOrbwalker, it does not cast Kha'zix Q (it does print debug message though).

that's weird. Gam haven't change any api in new orbwalker.

i would added those no working champion to new 14series first.

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waiting for the lulu :D (your lulu + gamsteron Kog'Maw duo scripting is the best)

use this aio first. because it wont add to the new series very soon since it still function well.

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This does not work with gamsteron's new orbwalker, which might be why some people have problems. For example, when using old GamsteronOrbwalker, 14AIO for Kha'zix uses all spells. With the new GGOrbwalker, it does not cast Kha'zix Q (it does print debug message though).

humm. just tested GGorb with kha zix, it work. You can try to update your GGorb.

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Nice script like always, but only one little problem. Im using GG Orbwalker, with you 14 Aio ,and Nautilus miss the hooks so much, oh lord...Any solution? Thank You for your work .

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Nice script like always, but only one little problem. Im using GG Orbwalker, with you 14 Aio ,and Nautilus miss the hooks so much, oh lord...Any solution? Thank You for your work .

pred problem, can't do much. The cast position was calculated by predication.

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