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[OLD❓]Shadow AIO [21 Champs]

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The script seems to mostly work. To fix the menu to have it display properly, you need to fix the URLs for the icons in the script. For example, you need to change line 4529 from:

["Q"] = "https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/f/f6/Leap_Strike.png",


["Q"] = "https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/leagueoflegends/images/c/ca/Jax_Leap_Strike.png",

Similarly this needs to be done for every icon used by the script. I'm too lazy to do it.


Here's a version with the icons just removed, so the menu renders properly: https://raw.githubus...r/ShadowAIO.lua

Respect <3

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May be reviving this project. Just renewed my sub after a few years break. Will see if i just remake entirely. 

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May be reviving this project. Just renewed my sub after a few years break. Will see if i just remake entirely. 

That is really exciting. I love the Lee Sin on this, so looking forward to it!

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May be reviving this project. Just renewed my sub after a few years break. Will see if i just remake entirely.

Welcome back
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Welcome back Knight  :)

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I wanted to play nami and there is an error in the script so it's not playable

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    You donut

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I wanted to play nami and there is an error in the script so it's not playable

Try dnssupport. This aio is too old. 

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Any chance for fixing this AIO? It has very good script for garen and his ult. It was auto ulting on the right ammount of enemy hp for kill and also it was showing killable targets for ult or "full combo" without pressing anything. There is any same aio for garen, just pu**y aio, but it cant do it.


It stiopped working like 2-3 patches back. 

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It's too old and the dev is no longer around. I am working on my own scripts so I personally can't revive this.

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It's too old and the dev is no longer around. I am working on my own scripts so I personally can't revive this.


Hmm, I get it, there is similar answer from 1 year back. I was hoping that this is something that can be fixed (without the developer of aio) because it's the same issue (or at least it looks like it is) like it was with Seeries aio in february, which is the time this issue started occurring. It just freezes the F6 menu and nothing happens. No errors or anything. But if it's not what I think, then unfortunately, at least I tried :D

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Hmm, I get it, there is similar answer from 1 year back. I was hoping that this is something that can be fixed (without the developer of aio) because it's the same issue (or at least it looks like it is) like it was with Seeries aio in february, which is the time this issue started occurring. It just freezes the F6 menu and nothing happens. No errors or anything. But if it's not what I think, then unfortunately, at least I tried :D

Can you try this? and tell me if it crashes?

Delete your shadowaio lua and install this: https://raw.githubus...r/ShadowAIO.lua

(Not claiming it's a fixed version but give it a try.)

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thanks aristo

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Can you try this? and tell me if it crashes?

Delete your shadowaio lua and install this: https://raw.githubus...r/ShadowAIO.lua

(Not claiming it's a fixed version but give it a try.)

Working for me, you are awesome. Thank you.

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