GG Orbwalker
GG Prediction
GG AIO Orianna, Twitch, Morgana, Ezreal, KogMaw, Varus, Vayne, Jhin, Blitzcrank, Taric, Quinn
You must set your keys following video in order to make things work!
Usage of GG Prediction -> for developers only
if not FileExist(COMMON_PATH .. "GGPrediction.lua") then DownloadFileAsync("", COMMON_PATH .. "GGPrediction.lua", function() end) print('GGPrediction - downloaded! Please 2xf6!') return end require('GGPrediction') QPrediction = GGPrediction:SpellPrediction({Delay = 0.25, Radius = 60, Range = 1150, Speed = 2000, Collision = true, Type = GGPrediction.SPELLTYPE_LINE}) local function CastSpell(spell, target, source, hitchance) local prediction = GetPrediction[spell] prediction:GetPrediction(target, source) if prediction:CanHit(hitchance or HITCHANCE_HIGH) then if Control.CastSpell(spell, prediction.CastPosition) then print(spell .. " Casted!") end end end local function CastAOESpell(spell, source, minhitchance, mintargets, maxtimetohit) local prediction = GetPrediction[spell] local aoeresult = prediction:GetAOEPrediction(source) local bestaoe = nil local bestcount = 0 local bestdistance = 1000 for i = 1, #aoeresult do local aoe = aoeresult[i] if aoe.HitChance >= minhitchance and aoe.TimeToHit <= maxtimetohit and aoe.Count >= mintargets then if aoe.Count > bestcount or (aoe.Count == bestcount and aoe.Distance < bestdistance) then bestdistance = aoe.Distance bestcount = aoe.Count bestaoe = aoe end end end if bestaoe then if Control.CastSpell(spell, bestaoe.CastPosition) then print(spell .. " AOE Casted!") end end end