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 WR, GGorbwalker, justevade are all i have running.


Also noticed her E steals on baron, herald and baron are way off.

The e execute on minions is also intermitted, some times it works fine and then a few seconds later is doesn't do it.

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Wall is not implemented in WRAIO Kalista, I'd suggest commenting out the section. 


WRAIO uses incorrect E formula, you can update it yourself in the code on lines 4830-4842, you can figure the formula out in the wiki(It got buffed in patch 11.22 and seems to not have gotten updated). 


Although, if it got buffed it still should KS the epic monsters since it assumes lower damage, the only thing it should be doing is overkilling them by a bit. Unless it somehow is not taking armor into account or something... 

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Vlad is working nicely! Just won 4 games with him. 

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Vlad is working nicely! Just won 4 games with him. 

Good to hear you're enjoying it! 

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