I've done re installing and the localdb file. still shows on brand not supported.
What am I doing wrong ?
I've done re installing and the localdb file. still shows on brand not supported.
What am I doing wrong ?
I've done re installing and the localdb file. still shows on brand not supported.
What am I doing wrong ?
And download this file:
and put into \AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common
Did you download the new common?
same for me still
I've done re installing and the localdb file. still shows on brand not supported.
What am I doing wrong ?
Karthus still broken
same for me still
Karthus still broken
Try again, there was a link issue out of my control. should be good now. Aristo updated the links, see their post
Karthus still broken
Delete your whole gamingonsteroids again and install this: http://gamingonstero...just-one-file/
it will be ok.
i've deleted appdata of gos, deleted loader, then redownloaded the loader, the aristo allinone folder, launched, injected and now it's illaoi and others in error champs are working, gg !
Here are some spell that are not include in fiora script (to counter with W):
Darius Spells
Voli Spells
is Kayn working (asking before i buy it). Other topic, was this solved?
is Kayn working (asking before i buy it). Other topic, was this solved?
Yes, that proble mis fixed, but you need to delete everything and install this: http://gamingonstero...-with-jue-file/
there is a new problem : Flash will be used randomly when one of your allies (the closest one) has low health and it will move at the direction of said ally. Kind of if trying to use Heal but with flash. Also, when low on health, the script will become crazy and start click up and down at extreme speed.
I know is this script because i just deactivated this one and played with the other ones and everything is good. Strange really...
Yes, that proble mis fixed, but you need to delete everything and install this: http://gamingonstero...-with-jue-file/
Sorry, malphite R is not included yet.
there is a new problem : Flash will be used randomly when one of your allies (the closest one) has low health and it will move at the direction of said ally. Kind of if trying to use Heal but with flash. Also, when low on health, the script will become crazy and start click up and down at extreme speed.
I know is this script because i just deactivated this one and played with the other ones and everything is good. Strange really...
You sure that's not a you thing?
I haven't had this at all.
It works sorry
there is a new problem : Flash will be used randomly when one of your allies (the closest one) has low health and it will move at the direction of said ally. Kind of if trying to use Heal but with flash. Also, when low on health, the script will become crazy and start click up and down at extreme speed.
I know is this script because i just deactivated this one and played with the other ones and everything is good. Strange really...
I have the exact same problem
Here are some spell that are not include in fiora script (to counter with W):
Darius Spells
Voli Spells
EXT is limited by some spell detection.
Darius, TF Yellow card. - No
But, Yone Q3 and ult added, Garen Q - added
is Kayn working (asking before i buy it). Other topic, was this solved?
Yes, it's been added to this AIO
I have the exact same problem
Thing is, this doesn't use flash or heal. It's something else or a weird setting you've customized. I've never had or seen this happen.
I'd be glad to have any logging or some sort of way to recreate. More info would be good to, Like what champion were you playing, how did you have things setup in settings, what other scripts were you using. so on so forth. Hard to help with current info besides that these scripts don't use summoners to my knowledge.
I have the exact same problem
Please delete this file "MenuElement.save" on AppData\Roaming\GamingOnSteroids\LOLEXT\Scripts\Common restart your PC, ext settings will be default so you won't have such problem.
there is a new problem : Flash will be used randomly when one of your allies (the closest one) has low health and it will move at the direction of said ally. Kind of if trying to use Heal but with flash. Also, when low on health, the script will become crazy and start click up and down at extreme speed.
I know is this script because i just deactivated this one and played with the other ones and everything is good. Strange really...
EXT is limited by some spell detection.
Darius, TF Yellow card. - No
But, Yone Q3 and ult added, Garen Q - added
Pls check your keys, make sure your saved GoS keys
are the same as LoL Keys.
You can add near all spells, you must check
For targeted spells and/or enemy buffs.
I thought you stopped with GoS? you scammed and ran away while we lost access to YummiBOT...
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