No, not yet.
Need a better DB and/or lib for spells/data
Even with v0.09?
No, not yet.
Need a better DB and/or lib for spells/data
Even with v0.09?
No, not yet.
Need a better DB and/or lib for spells/data
Even with v0.09?
if fix this problem samira will be super OP
on yasuo, getting geometry errors with justevade, after which the script will stop working entirely unless reloaded again; have had to turn off justevade with the yasuo script which seems to fix the issue
Looks like someone's updated Samira
Looks like someone's updated Samira
Yes, Impuls did, he's still taking care of those champs, update when needed.
Any chance we can get an update for yasuo to fix it breaking justevade? @Impuls
IDK but samira yasu or irelai no working,
i use only gg orbwalker dnsactivator , all fine
but when i klick for pussy samira, freeze
the same when i want use yasu or anything
IDK but samira yasu or irelai no working,
i use only gg orbwalker dnsactivator , all fine
but when i klick for pussy samira, freeze
the same when i want use yasu or anything
Feel free to try this Irelia script instead.
will there be a fix for the yasuo one to work again. i love playing yas and and have been looking forward to try this script but doesnt work on load, any other i use works but this one.
will there be a fix for the yasuo one to work again. i love playing yas and and have been looking forward to try this script but doesnt work on load, any other i use works but this one.
Yes need fix, yasuo is fun to play like really
IDK but samira yasu or irelai no working,
i use only gg orbwalker dnsactivator , all fine
but when i klick for pussy samira, freeze
the same when i want use yasu or anything
i get the same as well. whenever i click pussy samira the menu just freeze. did u fix it or know how to fix it?
same issue with samira it freeze when i load it
pussy samira was working fine until 13.3 not it just runs away when you press combo button.
edit: pussy samira works perfectly in training dummy but it just flees in normal game.
re-edit: works fine now.
I noticed Pussy Lilia is crashing when i go the bird camp.
It looks like a clicking issue.
How to reproduce : Press V while going to the camp and it will disconnect you from the game - then it will reconnect you again but u ll be unable to move.
Disable Auto Q and AA block and still happened, 3 times in one game.
Samira is giving a bunch of errors at random times and stands still a bunch when ulting
Samira is giving a bunch of errors at random times and stands still a bunch when ulting
Feel free to post the errors with a screenshot so we can have more ideas of the problem.
fix samira E please
fix samira E please
And what is the problem with E?
to much retard when press combo,and when i kill 1 the E dont work istant to other people
samira still freez in combo
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