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GC1 information?

Support help information Freestyle config

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So I’m GC1, and used GOS for the first time yesterday, I messed with a few configs and really see the potential in what this can be used for (me personally I plan on using the aerial bots/ dribble bots for freestyling) but I’ve combed through the forums for a couple of days (before purchasing) and haven’t really found out detailed explanations of what each value on the loader does.. I know that you guys don’t have a discord, but Is there anyone that’s used this thoroughly that I can link up with on discord? My end goal would be to create a config for the community that works for a freestyling play style as well as a detailed explanation as to why I set the values as I have. Shoot me a PM on here with your discord, as well as what time (and time zone) works for you
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Hi, there is a thread that explains the features. http://gamingonstero...ed-information/

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Support, help, information, Freestyle, config

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