wait for another loader update and see
wait for another loader update and see
This script and all scripts that you do are perfect, you are a great coder man. Right Now I have a problem with Vayne's Script, it doesn't load and it send me a message saying: You are missing Walls library - Go download it and save it Common. I removed my common folder and updated , but doesn't load anyway.So What Must I Do?.Thanks for your job, you are great.
Sorry for my english ^^
This script and all scripts that you do are perfect, you are a great coder man. Right Now I have a problem with Vayne's Script, it doesn't load and it send me a message saying: You are missing Walls library - Go download it and save it Common. I removed my common folder and updated , but doesn't load anyway.So What Must I Do?.Thanks for your job, you are great.
Sorry for my english ^^
seems like your Vayne.lua is not updated..
I have Your script updated, loader updated, restarted the loader a billion times . and also the wall lib is updated, still gives me an error with the walllib for gos , which is called MapPositionGos , to be exact.
I updated my Vayne.lua mate and doesn't work
Scripts were working perfectly yesterday. But not sure why it's not working today. I've tried redownloading Loader.exe and deleting the "GamingOnSterioids" Folder in %appdata%. Tried updating the Vayne.lua too, and it still gives me this error. [ERROR LOADING LUA] ..g\GamingOnSteroids\LOL\Scripts\Common\MapPositionGOS.lua:21:attempt to call field 'close' (a nil value)
http://imgur.com/Dh86mup <-- Screenshot
any fixes for this yet???
Download this and save it in your common for now : http://gamingonstero...e-1912/?p=47811
i did what you say but nothing happening i still have the same problem
i did what you say but nothing happening i still have the same problem
del all ur script in common, on the autoupdate in gosloader then restart the loader
i delete gamingonsteroids in %appdata% and i re download all but i still have the problem of [ERROR LOADING LUA] ..g\GamingOnSteroids\LOL\Scripts\Common\MapPositionGOS.lua:21:attempt to call field 'close' (a nil value). i dont know what i do xD
love your scripts *-* Q Evade would be nice
love your scripts *-* Q Evade would be nice
use smoothevade , activate only dash...
Hey,I have same problems like some guys here mentioned ... http://imgur.com/Dh86mup :/ Any way to fix it? did everything here said and nothing changed ... :/ (sorry for my english dude )
Hey,I have same problems like some guys here mentioned ... http://imgur.com/Dh86mup :/ Any way to fix it? did everything here said and nothing changed ... :/ (sorry for my english dude
Go here http://gamingonstero...ors/#entry47827
then download those 2 things make sure to name them the way they are supposed to then it should fix your issue
No scripts are loading today only normal gos but the champ menu isnt there... what is outdated...? would be nice to know what is outdated when things stop working...
Had to remove my whole script folder and copy in all scripts in common utility etc manually again.... would be nice to know what was outdated.
Sory good script
Go here http://gamingonstero...ors/#entry47827
then download those 2 things make sure to name them the way they are supposed to then it should fix your issue
I did and nothing changed ... u wot m8?
Go here http://gamingonstero...ors/#entry47827
then download those 2 things make sure to name them the way they are supposed to then it should fix your issue
now its ok ... i had to restart PC ... ty
In a 3v1 situation,vayne doesn't flee whenever I make a 2 stack passive on a champ, it just keep going to that champ until that passive is gone.
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