Ez dont use Skills? Help Me pls
this is just an orbwalker.. it won't cast you skills.. you need an actual script that supports ezreal
Ez dont use Skills? Help Me pls
deftsu dude .on the menu hotkey (can you let the combo option configurable with left click mouse?) i want to combo the enemy using only one time left click on my target =D
Which is the rec useage, this or Reborn?
Which is the rec useage, this or Reborn?
whats the difference between ioc and dac platy walk and goswalk???
whats the difference between ioc and dac platy walk and goswalk???
name, algorithm, health predictions etc.. also don't use DAC if so, use DAC:R
dac is good to me, but in dac:r the last hit is so early, soon i loss all minions. im use the last version of dac:r with kog'maw
help me please
dac is good to me, but in dac:r the last hit is so early, soon i loss all minions. im use the last version of dac:r with kog'maw
help me please
ye it's a windup calculation failure, will fix everything in the next update
DAC:R is crap atm since it dont move between autoattacks. IOW causes multiple instant game crashes and goswalk simply got a bad target selector and lasthit
DAC:R is crap atm since it dont move between autoattacks. IOW causes multiple instant game crashes and goswalk simply got a bad target selector and lasthit
It's time for Brain.lua
DAC:R is crap atm since it dont move between autoattacks. IOW causes multiple instant game crashes and goswalk simply got a bad target selector and lasthit
there are options, there are menu options... oh my god how can u be so stuped
DAC:R is crap atm since it dont move between autoattacks.
u wot?
When i use your orbwalker i always got disconnect, when Space , X or Z,V is pressed.Can you fix it ? I really like your orbwalker :3
When i use your orbwalker i always got disconnect, when Space , X or Z,V is pressed.Can you fix it ? I really like your orbwalker :3
hmm what are you using it with? the orbwalker is working 100% fine, nothing to fix
Fix Attack cancel
Vayne 2.5 attack speed = attack cancel af
Fix Attack cancel
Vayne 2.5 attack speed = attack cancel af
250 extrawindup + FastKite = perfect
Ok DAC:R works very fine Defsu is just best
I'm sorry for my ignorance on how to ask questions properly. But when I use combo in bots playing trynd, it was doing W+E perfectly and it was awesome. It would use E as a gap closer and all that good stuff. But recently I tried using it again against bots. But no combos happen. Just auto attack and movement towards mouse. Am I doing something wrong or should I mess around with the settings?
I'm sorry for my ignorance on how to ask questions properly. But when I use combo in bots playing trynd, it was doing W+E perfectly and it was awesome. It would use E as a gap closer and all that good stuff. But recently I tried using it again against bots. But no combos happen. Just auto attack and movement towards mouse. Am I doing something wrong or should I mess around with the settings?
You probably forgot to load the Tryndamere champion script, friend.
You probably forgot to load the Tryndamere champion script, friend.
and again im sorry for being retarded. How do I load the tryndamere champion script?
UPDATE: i got it to work by deleting the lua and reinstalling it. But I still don't know what you mean by loading the trynd script..any help would be much appreciated
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