Every time i try to run this script I get this error, any one got any ideas as to why?
Every time i try to run this script I get this error, any one got any ideas as to why?
Karma not working
Karma works nice for me.
But on Janna an Anti Gapcloser is sometimes not needed cause it dont hit the target... so it looks very weird and obv that im scripting.
Maybe can you add that he Anti gapcloses after spell is casted but at the end of it?
If you make Leona vs Janna and leona does her e in to the nirvana janna instant q's very weird.
Can you add on Janna a button for Self Shielding. I wanna shield myself manually, and only allies auto shield
Thank you
Can you add on Janna a button for Self Shielding. I wanna shield myself manually, and only allies auto shield
Thank you
np. I'll add this option
How can i edit Shield settings?
Janna dont auto shield against EZ q
https://imgur.com/a/FJdEy i get this error while using braum
https://imgur.com/a/FJdEy i get this error while using braum
it seems core problem after update because my scripts didn't have this problem before
Btw could you choose only Support Bundle script then try again?
how to fix?
champion: janna
nevermind from old LeBlanc Maxx mappostion changed fixed
i run only this skript , reinstalled the loader completely , deleted all files , redownloaded this bundle , tried to start but no matter what i do i get the error "too mance c lines at ... ( limit is 200) blabla ,
i rly dont know how to fix this , do i have to run other skripts running this bundle ?
btw i got this problem on every skript except noddy adc main and krysta mid series
Gagong prediction is the best. Thanks you for this.
Works Fine! Thanks!!
Add your script as supported for Zilean in gos-db, i upvote thiss - specially bought Zilean. OP to carry at mid, being support really good too - i recommend this!
someone tested it with 6.22?
braum doesnt load
How can i do combo with morgana and autoshield? Combo used to work when i clicked spacebar but it doesn't anymore and it barely auto shields myself or allies. Pls update it or make it better i am willing to pay
braum doesnt load
work fine for me
How can i do combo with morgana and autoshield? Combo used to work when i clicked spacebar but it doesn't anymore and it barely auto shields myself or allies. Pls update it or make it better i am willing to pay
Use this with any evade script
You have Thresh as Avatar So we need Thresh in this Script
i must being doing something wrong. ive never been able to get your script to work with morgana.
the current error im getting is related to goswalk.
Suggestions for Janna:
Update the "Smart Shield". It is constantly shielding even when not necessary (auto attacks), and for some spells it shields too early (Tristanta bomb). Besides that, I am very happy with the script, although in my last game I noticed I could somtimes not walk and stood still for a few moments.
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