Added Darius (W/E/R)
Added Garen R killsteal
Posted a fix, now should correctly use W to reset autos in combo/harass.
Posted a possible fix, she shouldn't be stopping using her Q now
Added Darius (W/E/R)
Added Garen R killsteal
Posted a fix, now should correctly use W to reset autos in combo/harass.
Posted a possible fix, she shouldn't be stopping using her Q now
Getting an Error with VI
Error\\Common\\DamageLib.lua:3204: attempt to index upvalue 'buff' (a nil value)
2nd issue Darius not Loading
Getting an Error with VI
Error\\Common\\DamageLib.lua:3204: attempt to index upvalue 'buff' (a nil value)
2nd issue Darius not Loading
Install my aio: http://gamingonstero...ed-set-them-up/
and hit f6-key a few times.
Also enable Smitemanager to be sure, scripts loads the damagelib.
Nah, Darius isn't loading, tried twice. Not that big of a deal though
Getting an Error with VI
Error\\Common\\DamageLib.lua:3204: attempt to index upvalue 'buff' (a nil value)
2nd issue Darius not Loading
Tested with current version, works fine.
Nah, Darius isn't loading, tried twice. Not that big of a deal though
Loading with current version.
Added Rumble (just E harpoon).
Added Kennen - Q.
Shaco doesn't seem to cast E at any point in the game, could you look into this <3
Shaco doesn't seem to cast E at any point in the game, could you look into this <3
It does.
Video aint available, very weird why mine doesnt use E
could you post again
Added Blitzcrank - Q, E.
hey bro think you could add Tahm Kench's E i would help if i can
hey bro think you could add Tahm Kench's E i would help if i can
Don't have a subscription and can't afford one currently.
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