just tested mundo.....
awesome one...
but i have one question , can i only last hit minions with Q instead of hitting them every time?
Best Answer SxcS , 22 January 2016 - 07:04
{SxcSAIO} : Status : Working!
Current Version : 0.2583
Current Changelogs:
- Added Jinx
- Bug fixes
If the AutoUpdater is buggy , you will have to redownload the script!
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just tested mundo.....
awesome one...
but i have one question , can i only last hit minions with Q instead of hitting them every time?
just tested mundo.....
awesome one...
but i have one question , can i only last hit minions with Q instead of hitting them every time?
no u cant , till i add an option for that but i dont think that this is useful, Q costs hp , autoattacks dont
no u cant , till i add an option for that but i dont think that this is useful, Q costs hp , autoattacks dont
yes but if you last hit minions , the health is refunded... so if you have vayne top , you can farm without problems... also while using this , i got this error
yes but if you last hit minions , the health is refunded... so if you have vayne top , you can farm without problems... also while using this , i got this error
Fixed! thanks for the bug report:)
EDIT: Disable autoattacks makes the game crash(dunno why)
error with leona
also could you add combo priority , so that if there is for example vayne and blitz bot , you combo vayne not blitz...
do this for all the supports leona blitz ect...
error with leona
also could you add combo priority , so that if there is for example vayne and blitz bot , you combo vayne not blitz...
do this for all the supports leona blitz ect...
Fixed !
Will add it
Soraka Auto W doesnt work for me
Soraka Auto W doesnt work for me
Vayne bug and cancel the auto....
Maybe you configured sth wrong? Works fine for me...
Didnt change anything on the settings.. tested in a botgame, I will test it again tomorrow
Vayne bug and cancel the auto....
i press space, then the combo is active, then sometimes, when i want to go in vayne run want to hit but auto cancel i have this bug 3 times on a game and i stop the script, but the first time i tested u're script, nothing wrong, don't know if it's my fault.
i just dowloaded the script and then active it and start a game.
Okay I have been waiting for a leona script for some time now gonna test that out brb
Works like a charm! The only thing that keeps bugging me is this error that pops up, doesn't interfere with the script at all - it's just a 7 fps drop everytime I press space wich is kind of annoying but I guess it's on my end, maybe you can give me advice on how to stop that? My OpenPredict is up to date :/ -- http://imgur.com/P5blDMf --
Okay I have been waiting for a leona script for some time now
gonna test that out brb
Works like a charm! The only thing that keeps bugging me is this error that pops up, doesn't interfere with the script at all - it's just a 7 fps drop everytime I press space wich is kind of annoying but I guess it's on my end, maybe you can give me advice on how to stop that? My OpenPredict is up to date :/ -- http://imgur.com/P5blDMf --
he forgot a target ~= nil check
more informations please
Lux Q isnt working good, q is shooting to the back or to the right, only rarely it hits an enemy. Testet it at Prediction 1 and 100 no difference
i press space, then the combo is active, then sometimes, when i want to go in vayne run want to hit but auto cancel i have this bug 3 times on a game and i stop the script, but the first time i tested u're script, nothing wrong, don't know if it's my fault.
i just dowloaded the script and then active it and start a game.
Try deactivate F7 harass combo.
EDIT: Update pushed
when i press x with rumble i got bug splat and dc
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