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Best Answer SxcS , 22 January 2016 - 07:04

{SxcSAIO} : Status : Working!

Current Version : 0.2583

Current Changelogs:
- Added Jinx
- Bug fixes

If the AutoUpdater is buggy , you will have to redownload the script! Go to the full post »

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Ezreal's Q don't hit from max range fix this plz

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Playing Dr. Mundo.

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Swains script has issues, never hits his W, cant get him to auto R no matter what I change the options to. plz fix or tell me what I need to change.

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Playing Dr. Mundo.

update the script manually.

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Thresh NOT SKILL...

and what difference with prediction value 40-100 (how better)

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If i turn off Ezreal W combo, it is still in use. Consumes lot of mana in lane fase. Thanks...

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ok nice champs u have in there

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Swains script has issues, never hits his W, cant get him to auto R no matter what I change the options to. plz fix or tell me what I need to change.

It works fine for me ... just tested

Thresh NOT SKILL...
and what difference with prediction value 40-100 (how better)

100 = highest , 0 = lowest


If i turn off Ezreal W combo, it is still in use. Consumes lot of mana in lane fase. Thanks...

Will test later.

EDIT: Ezreal works fine too ...

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Nevermind... I love your Ezreal script, with that superb ulti logic. I did so many kills with ulti when I did not even expect it: the ulti auto fires when I not see the low enemy on my screen, just somewhere far away....it is so cool. And the Q hits only 90% of the times...but who cares, I love your EZ script. Keep up the good work. Thanks.


Hope to see reksai or zac jungle soon from you, but I think it is hard to implement tons of logics(situations) in use...

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Nevermind... I love your Ezreal script, with that superb ulti logic. I did so many kills with ulti when I did not even expect it: the ulti auto fires when I not see the low enemy on my screen, just somewhere far away....it is so cool. And the Q hits only 90% of the times...but who cares, I love your EZ script. Keep up the good work. Thanks.


Hope to see reksai or zac jungle soon from you, but I think it is hard to implement tons of logics(situations) in use...

Ty for your feedback , Maybe i will add reksai and zac soon.

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Very nice series of scripts, testing now.


As for Garen, is that possible to add Q as an interrupter? It would be perfect then :)

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a new update poppy just spam Q

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a new update poppy just spam Q

Suggestions for q logic?
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Suggestions for q logic?

Maybe Hitchance for Q2? ^.^

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soraka after awhile in aram will just q on top of her self every time the ability is up. even with q ticked off in combo menu

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test garen and is good just one sugestion for the combo if q is is active  u get 2 buff the movement speed and the empower aa whit the silence so if garen e is ready and enemy is in range of e and garen don't have empower silence buff(aka q is active )then use e


test poppy no errors but in combo don't use w or e never move slide bars around of accuracy and hit chance on the combo menu and the one on prediction for hit chance but dont work what so ever i dint read your scrip yet so i have no idea what can be i may look later if i found something i let u know on pm


test soraka u have a error but is a easy fix the lane 436 u have this " if BM.C.Q:Value() then self:UseQ(unit) end"and u missing Use "if BM.C.UseQ:Value() then self:UseQ(unit) end" dat fix it if u want to get your soraka to the next lvl let me know i have a good idea i never see no one use it in the past but i manually do it and annoy the enemy adc and is good for us i seen adc rage quit in 6 min cux that but pm me if interest

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test garen and is good just one sugestion for the combo if q is is active  u get 2 buff the movement speed and the empower aa whit the silence so if garen e is ready and enemy is in range of e and garen don't have empower silence buff(aka q is active )then use e


test poppy no errors but in combo don't use w or e never move slide bars around of accuracy and hit chance on the combo menu and the one on prediction for hit chance but dont work what so ever i dint read your scrip yet so i have no idea what can be i may look later if i found something i let u know on pm


test soraka u have a error but is a easy fix the lane 436 u have this " if BM.C.Q:Value() then self:UseQ(unit) end"and u missing Use "if BM.C.UseQ:Value() then self:UseQ(unit) end" dat fix it if u want to get your soraka to the next lvl let me know i have a good idea i never see no one use it in the past but i manually do it and annoy the enemy adc and is good for us i seen adc rage quit in 6 min cux that but pm me if interest

Will Garen improve soon

To Poppy w , its only an antigapcloser

ty :) fixed

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Will Garen improve soon

To Poppy w , its only an antigapcloser

ty :) fixed

 what about poppy E it never work no a single e the hole game make by the scrip and i was in good position for hit a wall

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 what about poppy E it never work no a single e the hole game make by the scrip and i was in good position for hit a wall

Never changed anything with poppy last time i tested her it worked fine

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well if 


Never changed anything with poppy last time i tested her it worked finewel

well if it was working fine in the pass and u dint change nothing may be is something whit the lib MapPosition.lua or they change something i am going to test it againg rigth now whit bot and let u know


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