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poppy's ult bugging and showing this error code
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Best Answer SxcS , 22 January 2016 - 07:04
{SxcSAIO} : Status : Working!
Current Version : 0.2583
Current Changelogs:
- Added Jinx
- Bug fixes
If the AutoUpdater is buggy , you will have to redownload the script!
Go to the full post »
Posted 29 February 2016 - 05:21

Posted 29 February 2016 - 10:14

Nasus, last hitting is so sad, it doesn't calc the Q damage, not at all. it waits all the way until minion has 60 hp, as my base dmg, and doesnt use Q to lasthit, was pretty excited to try this out, but midgame, i turned it off as it didnt even la**** farm properly... not being rude or anything, just saying that it will ''activate'' Q when minion is at 60 hp to lasthit... which is pretty much bullshet
Posted 29 February 2016 - 11:37

Nasus, last hitting is so sad, it doesn't calc the Q damage, not at all. it waits all the way until minion has 60 hp, as my base dmg, and doesnt use Q to lasthit, was pretty excited to try this out, but midgame, i turned it off as it didnt even la**** farm properly... not being rude or anything, just saying that it will ''activate'' Q when minion is at 60 hp to lasthit... which is pretty much bullshet
DAC pls
Posted 29 February 2016 - 11:40

Nasus, last hitting is so sad, it doesn't calc the Q damage, not at all. it waits all the way until minion has 60 hp, as my base dmg, and doesnt use Q to lasthit, was pretty excited to try this out, but midgame, i turned it off as it didnt even la**** farm properly... not being rude or anything, just saying that it will ''activate'' Q when minion is at 60 hp to lasthit... which is pretty much bullshet
btw did read his source, it calculates 30+AD only
Posted 29 February 2016 - 11:57

Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:01

Feels free to use

Posted 29 February 2016 - 12:05

function farm() if (Ready(_Q) or CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == 8) and ((NMenu.f.QLC:Value() and IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear") or (NMenu.f.QLH:Value() and IOW:Mode() == "LastHit") or (NMenu.f.QA:Value() and IOW:Mode() ~= "Combo")) then for _, creep in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidCreep(creep,175) and GetCurrentHP(creep)<qDmg*2 and ((GetHealthPrediction(creep, GetWindUp(myHero))<CalcDamage(myHero, creep, qDmg, 0) and NMenu.c.QP:Value()) or (GetCurrentHP(creep)<CalcDamage(myHero, creep, qDmg, 0) and not NMenu.c.QP:Value())) then CastSpell(_Q) AttackUnit(creep) break end end end end
Posted 29 February 2016 - 03:09

Posted 29 February 2016 - 03:14

function farm() if (Ready(_Q) or CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == 8) and ((NMenu.f.QLC:Value() and IOW:Mode() == "LaneClear") or (NMenu.f.QLH:Value() and IOW:Mode() == "LastHit") or (NMenu.f.QA:Value() and IOW:Mode() ~= "Combo")) then for _, creep in pairs(minionManager.objects) do if ValidCreep(creep,175) and GetCurrentHP(creep)<qDmg*2 and ((GetHealthPrediction(creep, GetWindUp(myHero))<CalcDamage(myHero, creep, qDmg, 0) and NMenu.c.QP:Value()) or (GetCurrentHP(creep)<CalcDamage(myHero, creep, qDmg, 0) and not NMenu.c.QP:Value())) then CastSpell(_Q) AttackUnit(creep) break end end end end
+ getQdmg () function

Posted 01 March 2016 - 05:18

I updated this script to get rid of the connect to server error but I still get the warning and now my Ezreal harass + farm at the same time combo with spacebar isn't working.
Also, when I move the mouse, my champion moves to that location without me even clicking the champ to go there, how do I fix this?
See screenshot for the connect and nil error message:
Regards & keep up the good work!
P.S: I already deinstalled and reinstalled the script, still doesn't work...
Posted 01 March 2016 - 05:29

I updated this script to get rid of the connect to server error but I still get the warning and now my Ezreal harass + farm at the same time combo with spacebar isn't working.
Also, when I move the mouse, my champion moves to that location without me even clicking the champ to go there, how do I fix this?
See screenshot for the connect and nil error message:
Regards & keep up the good work!
P.S: I already deinstalled and reinstalled the script, still doesn't work...
reinstall damagelib : https://raw.githubus...n/DamageLib.lua . For the connect to server .. try reinstall GoS and make sure your antivirus isnt blocking it and check your hostfile if its blocking
Posted 01 March 2016 - 05:48

reinstall damagelib : https://raw.githubus...n/DamageLib.lua . For the connect to server .. try reinstall GoS and make sure your antivirus isnt blocking it and check your hostfile if its blocking
Tried all the above, did not work. Also I noticed that teh DamageLib.lua gets changed automatically on starting up the loader, the version you provided me with is not the same as the one I opened from the Common-folder.
I then unticked auto-update libraries but it still doesn't work.
Turned off my firewall & AV for a few minutes to test, still no result. Hostfile seems ok.
Posted 01 March 2016 - 05:50

disable auto update libraries if you before you restart your loader. reinstall damagelib again pls
Posted 01 March 2016 - 06:29

um...damagelib hv to update manually...
auto update in gos loader sometimes update the old one
Posted 01 March 2016 - 06:46

turn off auto update libs pls...
Posted 01 March 2016 - 06:49

I added the DmgLib error to my guide.
Posted 02 March 2016 - 01:44

For Soraka, Auto W and Auto R isn't working: It's not automatically casting those spells even when the criteria are met.
For Garen, Combo mode isn't working because of DamageLib:800, even though I've manually updated it.
Settings for the script are default, except disabling Soraka's E when Lane Clear and Jungling.
Posted 02 March 2016 - 04:33

Not working the auto update bar on my screen. I tried last time but that time its working, and now not working anymore. What i've done?
Posted 02 March 2016 - 05:20

Not working the auto update bar on my screen. I tried last time but that time its working, and now not working anymore. What i've done?
Which version are you using?
Posted 02 March 2016 - 05:50

For Soraka, Auto W and Auto R isn't working: It's not automatically casting those spells even when the criteria are met.
For Garen, Combo mode isn't working because of DamageLib:800, even though I've manually updated it.
Settings for the script are default, except disabling Soraka's E when Lane Clear and Jungling.
Should be fixed now , my activator caused the bug.
Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: SxcS, AIO
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