Not to sound dumb, but I'm completely new to all this.
Trying to get all this started for business.
I dl'ed a few scripts. What do I do now?
Best Answer Deftsu , 10 May 2016 - 04:11
v0.24 Update:
-Reworked Condemn Algorithm for Vayne !
Go to the full post »Not to sound dumb, but I'm completely new to all this.
Trying to get all this started for business.
I dl'ed a few scripts. What do I do now?
Not to sound dumb, but I'm completely new to all this.
Trying to get all this started for business.
I dl'ed a few scripts. What do I do now?
uhm select what you need?
then you can configure everything under menu (by pressing shift)
any anivia script works?
For some reason my Lee seems to ignore Insec. I got him on Insec to Tower and Allies but he never uses wards.
Also.. he was chasing a champ while I pressed space, locked on him, he could easily reach him with wardjump + Q which I did by hand them but script just chased him by foot and he would be gone.
lee sin script is pretty much useless.... the problems i have with lee sin is that-
1. he automatically goes for combo when he sees low hp enemy
2. he always use ult even tho combo mode is without r
3. which orbwalk to use and which predict ?
4.ward jump only sometimes
plz help Deftsu
How do I turn off IOW?
I'm trying to figure out how to properly use the scripts.
Because it seems like you have to hold spacebar or just play by yourself anyways.
I see no strength in this, because it's not fully automated.
any anivia script works?
why u need anivia scriipts? lol ..
its just easy and play 3 games u will know why im sayin.
can u make some instruction its so confusing to use
When i start the Script it says Error can someone help me
When i start the Script it says Error can someone help me
maybe give us the error so that we can help you?
Azir Feedback:
Harrass works perfectly with W,Q !
Combo isnt that good cuz random ults.. i turned R off in combo but he used it.
Insec on Key would be an nice add..
Hello, i currently have a problem that is when i launch the game with the script injected in crashes in like 20 sec ( when i say in game i mean after the champion selection )
Any help with this?
just me or the draven auto catch axe not working ?
Tried this script, but as soon as i get in game it crashes saying this
Tested azir addon and it is pretty buggy. Don't harass and with combo it seems to go for normal auto attacks instead of with your "solidiers"
And rarly use spells :s
But keep up the good work ^^
Tested azir addon and it is pretty buggy. Don't harass and with combo it seems to go for normal auto attacks instead of with your "solidiers"
And rarly use spells :s
But keep up the good work^^
i am unable to get draven to catch his axes with this script nd it does not evade skill shots, am i doing something wrong or am i just not using it correctly?
hi, ur script is awesome. I like ur script very much. But whenever I use laneclear function in DAC:R orbwalker, the fps drop dramatically. Is this normal? Or I hv to config something else?
Download Link : ChallengerSeries.lua
-Multi Champions Support
-Multi Orbwalker Support
-Multi Prediction Support
-A lot of Features including Combo, Harass, LaneClear, LastHit, Misc, Key Settings, Drawings ...
-Ward Jump
-Freelo Options
-Tons Of Logic
-FPS friendly
Current Supported Champions:
-Lee Sin
Hey when i play vayne my combo does not use r even though it is activated in settings
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