krystra are you working on a yasuo script? :>
yea already started
krystra are you working on a yasuo script? :>
yea already started
using lissandra
it will use e2 in killsteal mode, then lead to no damage
Fixed, have fun
IM HYPED ty krystra <3
Nice Work Krysta, Keep Working, im love this script.
If you need help, PM me
This is a beta stage so test it before ranked game
Common Features
- Support for both DAC & İOW Orbwalkers
- Fully customizable settings
- Fully customizable drawings
- Fully customizable Kill Steal options
- Supports all predictions ( Openpredict, Ipredictions , Gos)
- Inbuilt Laneclear , Lasthit , Jungleclear
- Perfect damage calculations and draws
- Inbuilt item usage ( zhonya with customizable hp settings etc)
- Inbuil Anti-afk system
- Inbuilt Skin Changer
- Inbuilt Auto Level
- 8 Different combo mode ( include double stun mode with customizable delay)
- One click to change combo mode fast.
- 3 Different harass mode
- Escape mode include W and R skills
- Wall jump with more than 30 different locations
- Drawings on wall jump locations depends on distance ( Fps friendly)
- 3 Different R skill logics
- Full range E support
- Anti gap close with W skill
- Auto interrupt with W and R skill
- Auto harass togle
- Escape mode with W skill
- 3 different ulti logics
- 2 different E skill logic for combo and harass mode
- Anti gapclose with W skill
- Auto interrupt with E skill
- Escape mode with Full E range
- 2 different combo logics
- expert W logics depends on HP and Enemy count
- Escape mode
- 3 Different combo logics
- customizable E settings
- Auto İnterrupt with E
Inspired - inspired, Iprediction and mentoring me while adopting gos api
Deftsu - For DAC and mentoring me while adopting gos api
jouzuna - Open predict
* if i forget someone please send me a pm
- Do not use any settings in F7 while using script
- Need inspired,OpenPredict, Klib , Iprediction( if you want to use it ), DAC ( if you want to use it )
To do in future
- Add wall jump to lissandra
- QR gapclose to diana
- Shield manager to diana
- More mid champion ; Yasuo , Orianna ,Anivia , Zed etc
- Multi language support ( logic already be written )
User Feedbacks
Great work dude, can you make this for zed before his ult gets nerfed ? lol
Great work dude, can you make this for zed before his ult gets nerfed ? lol
currently working on yasuo as i promised before. After it finish maybe
Yasuo is going to be amazing.
I hope it will be
using leblanc
using leblanc
is this error happens in any condition like combo mode or harras mode or as soon as you loged in ?
is this error happens in any condition like combo mode or harras mode or as soon as you loged in ?
when I first entered
when I first entered
just checked for you , it gives no error for me . Can you re download both the script and lib please
Awesome scripts!!!
thanks so much the lb works great!!
just checked for you , it gives no error for me . Can you re download both the script and lib please
Keeps coming out the same mistake
Keeps coming out the same mistake
Make sure that your libs are all updated like inspired, klib etc. İf it still continue sendme a pm to me i will asist you with a team viever when i have time
Rep Nice one
Best Script!!
what do you mean when you say Do not use any settings in F7 while using script
Awesome scripts!!!
thanks so much the lb works great!!
Rep Nice one
Best Script!!
Thanks guys Here is the second spoiler from yasuo
what do you mean when you say Do not use any settings in F7 while using script
Make sure that combo,harass,laneclear,lasthit keys are different from my script keys. You can use evade F7 etc though
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