\KristalMidBundle.lua:1621: attempt to concatenate global 'Scriptname' (a nil value)
not sure why, i was using this yesterday with Diana and now this happens.
\KristalMidBundle.lua:1621: attempt to concatenate global 'Scriptname' (a nil value)
not sure why, i was using this yesterday with Diana and now this happens.
If I may ask what does
{OnTick}?:0: attempt to compare number with nil mean? D= I keep getting it.
Fix the script leblanc there man
\KristalMidBundle.lua:1621: attempt to concatenate global 'Scriptname' (a nil value)
not sure why, i was using this yesterday with Diana and now this happens.
If I may ask what does
{OnTick}?:0: attempt to compare number with nil mean? D= I keep getting it.
Fix the script leblanc there man
I did not change anything since yesterday, only update my lib. Redownload Klib And script manually and it will be fine. Just checked for you guys and it is all workings.
I did not change anything since yesterday, only update my lib. Redownload Klib And script manually and it will be fine. Just checked for you guys and it is all workings.
already did that, still didn't work.
already did that, still didn't work.
Emex trying delete Klib.lua download and disable auto update libraries gos
Krysta Yasuo? T_T
Please re-download both script and lib before try yasuo
İn order to use script properly you need to have 0.02 version KLib and 1.05 version script.
- Auto wall logic
- Wall jump logic
- Auto R logic
- Gap close logic
- Turret dive logic
- Auto interrupt with Q3
- Escape with E
- Advanced clear settings
- Advanced item usage ( fully confugirable)
- Humanizer for every R mode and auto wall function
And much more ..
Free elo
Free elo
did you try the yasuo? i need feedbacks (both good and bad sides please)
İ can send you the part that you want after i go home no worries
I don't own yasuo tho
I gonna try yasuo later. Am only in gold 3 tho after this stupid placement buggs. So I can only check if everything works against noobs I tried lb tho.´I think the script works fine when you are close to the target. but it would be awesome if you would implement a long range oneshot(burst) combo (like jump into direction of the target jump on it and cast q then e and jump back) if killable. I always had to jump into the target direction myself and then press spacebar. so it works fine, but tbh am better without useing the script, which is not really a good sign. so I think the lb could need some more improvement. it also reacts kinda slow sometime, which makes it hard to hit stuff. donnu if thats the fps on my end, but other scripts like deftsu riven work without any laggs and get fast combos.
My experience: Fps drop... Much =/ AND F6 reload + 20 sec for reload
When it happens ?
i will push an update to fix, led me now if its not
p.s do not use skinchanger with my script. it has inbuilt
I gonna try yasuo later. Am only in gold 3 tho after this stupid placement buggs. So I can only check if everything works against noobs
I tried lb tho.´I think the script works fine when you are close to the target. but it would be awesome if you would implement a long range oneshot(burst) combo (like jump into direction of the target jump on it and cast q then e and jump back) if killable. I always had to jump into the target direction myself and then press spacebar. so it works fine, but tbh am better without useing the script, which is not really a good sign. so I think the lb could need some more improvement. it also reacts kinda slow sometime, which makes it hard to hit stuff. donnu if thats the fps on my end, but other scripts like deftsu riven work without any laggs and get fast combos.
For reaction time, it because of predictions not my script. İf you lower the hitchance , it will cast more often with lower possibility of hit. Try %25 hitchance and report me back please. And i can add long range combo for you though
My experience: Fps drop... Much =/ AND F6 reload + 20 sec for reload
First of all you need to give me more detail. When you have fps drop etc.İts not my script related since i still have more than +100 fps. And the reload think is because of encripytion. Give me more detail so i can fix it if there is a problem
Try to close always show on in menuconfig. Your fps will up like 20-30
My fps Normal is 100 yasuo script is 40 =/ drop much for Team Fight and another thing when you will start the game takes a while for him to inject do not know what to think because then the script is heavy
My fps Normal is 100 yasuo script is 40 =/ drop much for Team Fight and another thing when you will start the game takes a while for him to inject do not know what to think because then the script is heavy
With gos, you never get the fps without gos actually but i will try to lower that as much as i can. The second part of your thing is its because of enc, i will figure it out tomorrow. What about the script beside fps thing? You like it etc?
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