Beware The Depths.
Full Combo
Auto Updater
Combo Logics
Skin Changer
Auto LVL Up
No FPS Drops
To Do:
Interupter Im working on that don't worry
Beware The Depths.
Full Combo
Auto Updater
Combo Logics
Skin Changer
Auto LVL Up
No FPS Drops
To Do:
Interupter Im working on that don't worry
Gj Mate!
Gj Mate!
Line 23 - "for _, unit in paris" xD
Line 23 - "for _, unit in paris" xD
Will check it.
couple of things I would suggest is instead of doing skins like that (which everyone does for no reason?) just use a callback so you don't have to recode code that's already implimented like so
local skinMeta = {["Katarina"] = {"Classic", "Mercenary", "Red Card", "Bilgewater", "Kitty Cat", "High Command", "Sandstorm", "Slay Belle", "Warring Kingdoms"}} KatMenu.misc:DropDown('skin', myHero.charName.. " Skins", 1, skinMeta[myHero.charName], HeroSkinChanger, true) = function(model) HeroSkinChanger(myHero, model - 1) print(skinMeta[myHero.charName][model] .." ".. myHero.charName .. " Loaded!") end
this way u can delete that lastskin chooseskin bs function , also I would suggest supporting all orbwalkers
couple of things I would suggest is instead of doing skins like that (which everyone does for no reason?) just use a callback so you don't have to recode code that's already implimented like so
local skinMeta = {["Katarina"] = {"Classic", "Mercenary", "Red Card", "Bilgewater", "Kitty Cat", "High Command", "Sandstorm", "Slay Belle", "Warring Kingdoms"}} KatMenu.misc:DropDown('skin', myHero.charName.. " Skins", 1, skinMeta[myHero.charName], HeroSkinChanger, true) = function(model) HeroSkinChanger(myHero, model - 1) print(skinMeta[myHero.charName][model] .." ".. myHero.charName .. " Loaded!") endthis way u can delete that lastskin chooseskin bs function
, also I would suggest supporting all orbwalkers
Thanks for your suggestion will look into it !,
I should use mixedlib for mutli orb walk support right?
jsofkjoht98zg03pghpöwßp0gjpv9rtogw9243p9bv90rm0wfio3zt875wrefgo89rf2jv99iorekjiouy i rg retgghikejeohijoeghwpt4ovgß0g9füarü9wughglyjroiteu roeizjoz4509u ß6409u23rpqguifäüsgouo#gaär#+hohbahü qü09zuäüg9u erj+üae9uzäaopgj gaürqaübrjgjh+gBa ärgpäoj aghä ghäahäaheäjn+üd9uz+ßuh+aßujjyää
Feel the keys
Tu conhece o alan?
said all the time: new update found 0.04 press 2xF6. if i do it say the same.
said all the time: new update found 0.04 press 2xF6. if i do it say the same.
Nice upvoted
Does not work, giving error
How do I use it?
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