everytime I double F6
seems like it's problem on my end, sigh...
i mean how much time did it appear on chat (screenshot if you are not sure) by load (initial load or F6, doesn't matter)
Best Answer Aristo , 16 March 2018 - 03:00
Go to the full post »everytime I double F6
seems like it's problem on my end, sigh...
i mean how much time did it appear on chat (screenshot if you are not sure) by load (initial load or F6, doesn't matter)
i mean how much time did it appear on chat (screenshot if you are not sure) by load (initial load or F6, doesn't matter)
those 2 lines appeared only once until i press F6 twice
Not sure if I'm the only one with the problem here, but it walks me into some skill shots, or freezes me in place when there is a lot of skill shots and gets me killed accidentally by it. I'm only running Challenger evade and Challenger activator.
Not sure if I'm the only one with the problem here, but it walks me into some skill shots, or freezes me in place when there is a lot of skill shots and gets me killed accidentally by it. I'm only running Challenger evade and Challenger activator.
well if it's impossible to dodge it won't dodge, i fixed some things regarding freezes althought which is going to be pushed on a big 0.03 update
will this get me banned?
will this get me banned?
Not sure if I'm the only one with the problem here, but it walks me into some skill shots, or freezes me in place when there is a lot of skill shots and gets me killed accidentally by it. I'm only running Challenger evade and Challenger activator.
yay, I'm not the only one
thats ****ing depressing man lol
thats ****ing depressing man lol
i just told the truth, the more you dodge, the more chance you get reported
Zed W , E Bug fix pls
Zed W , E Bug fix pls
and the evade only doesn't get you banned, although
and the evade only doesn't get you banned, although
what happens if i use this with kms??? will it work?
what happens if i use this with kms??? will it work?
what happens if i use this with kms??? will it work?
sure , it should work without problem, if there is an error led me know and i will fix it
when will 0.3 be released ?
and does it work atm ?
when will 0.3 be released ?
and does it work atm ?
it will be released when it's done, way too much work is done already
it will be released when it's done, way too much work is done already
Nice phrase fere
keep this thing for free to bait some plebs or make it for challenjours only
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