one more error: the script doesn't save configed menu (tried deleting in common folder but no luck)
damn, im good at reporting error
no its just ur the only one thats having problems kek
Best Answer Aristo , 16 March 2018 - 03:00
Go to the full post »one more error: the script doesn't save configed menu (tried deleting in common folder but no luck)
damn, im good at reporting error
no its just ur the only one thats having problems kek
no its just ur the only one thats having problems kek
that's why I said that I were good at reporting error
one more error: the script doesn't save configed menu (tried deleting in common folder but no luck)
damn, im good at reporting error
what do you mean ? :S
what do you mean ? :S
i had this problem (the post with 2 spoilers):
and although i had configed shift menu as what i want (on/off hotkey is ~ not K, skillshots which i dont want to dodge, ...), after X2 F6 it was reseted to default settings (which on/off hot key is K not ~, dodge skillshots which i turn them off, ...)
well Ziggs,Zyra,Zilean Spells on menu are to fix, i'll add also FOW Jinx W, Jhin W, Lux R, and Illaoi Tectancle evade among with it, also maybe i would fix the IssueOrder errors
Challenger Evade was under development for almost 2 months and now is the day of the release (RELEASE THE KRAKEN!).
Since alpha release, Challenger Evade supports almost all skillshots (if not all
) so let's get into more details..
-Evades as smooth as possible, no matter how much skillshots are fired at you, click for more info..
-Will find optimal path for multiple skillshots (prioritizing : last evade position > orbwalker direction)
-Works well with the orbwalker/normal clicks, everything will work smooth without any jittering, click for more info..
-Fully Customizable settings for each enemy skillshot
-Fully Customizable settings for evade methods
-Simple and Clean menu, easy to configure
-Supports FOW Dodging (there is an option to turn off this feature)
-Dodge only dangerous option (this is useful when using combo mode, so it's on space by default, will dodge only dangerous skillshots instead of every skillshot fired at you)
-Ally Shielding
-Customizable danger levels for both evade methods and skillshots.
-Almost perfect algorithm over choosing evade method (knows exactly when it needs to move, dash etc..)
-Supports Drawings for all different types and special spells (planning to rewrite current linear, circular drawings..)
-Block spells (configurable) and AutoAttacks when evading
-Special Feature : Double Click to remove skillshot, works only for Gragas Q and Lux E for now, useful when the enemy is dead or the projectile is blocking your path, click for more info..
-Basic pathfinding and optimized wall calculations
-Collision support for windwall, minions and heroes
-Ignore Above HP% option-Special evasion system for kalista-FOW Dodge for some circular spells-Prevention from AA cancelling optionSkillShot Types
Challenger Evade support the dodge of all current skillshot types including :
-Arc (ex: Diana Q)
-Ring (ex: Veigar E inside and outside the ring)
Evading Methods
Challenger Evade Dodge with different methods including:
-Walking (including movement speed buffs, includes Ghost)
-Blinks (includes flash)
-Invulnerable spells (includes Zhonya)
-Shields (including teammates)
-AttackJump (Ekko E Attack)
Special Spells
while working on it, i recorded some special spells/spell types so here comes the fun part..
Ahri Q (acceleration and backward orb follows ahri..)
Ashe W (x9 skillshots)
Darius E (cone, nothing special)
Diana Q (arc, nothing special)
Malzahar Q (same as zyra Q, perpendicular to cast direction)
Syndra E (orbs..)
Taric E (following taric + ally with his buff)
TwistedFate Q (threeway..)
Velkoz Q (perpendicular
Zed Q/E (From object which is shadows in this case, same as Orianna Spells, Ekko R..)
Ziggs Q (triple bounce)
-ignore/DodgeOnlyDangerous when Banshee/Olaf R Active option-Avoid Traps/Shrooms (Jinx E, Cait W, Teemo R...)-Spam Feretorix to add GetPath(my current path)/CalculatePath(calculate path from a to b and return points)-Spam Feretorix to add Direction property (for Illaoi tectancle dodge. .Lux R, Xerath Q, Jhin W, Jinx W from FOW)-Add FollowPathAPI
Kortatu for open source evade + evade spell data (learned a lot from it)
Noddy for op bronze evade banner
Keep up the good work, Lux's R FoW soon (Reached the quota of upvotes)
well Ziggs,Zyra,Zilean Spells on menu are to fix, i'll add also FOW Jinx W, Jhin W, Lux R, and Illaoi Tectancle evade among with it, also maybe i would fix the IssueOrder errors
reached quote of pisitive votes
is it normal that i don't dodge nothing even if my evade is on ?
is it normal that i don't dodge nothing even if my evade is on ?
no it's not normal if it's actually loaded :^)
FPS drop when Dodging
-Special Feature : Double Click to remove skillshot, works only for Gragas Q and Lux E for now, useful when the enemy is dead or the projectile is blocking your path, click for more info..
After seeing this feature, it'd be nice if you could allow the same for Zyra's q.
Whenever she does this, she literally blocks a whole entire lane while I'm chasing.
Only other option is for me to make it not dodge the ability at all but during the laning phase, it's really helpful.
This option would allow me to choose when to dodge and when not to so I can go on the chase.
After seeing this feature, it'd be nice if you could allow the same for Zyra's q.
Whenever she does this, she literally blocks a whole entire lane while I'm chasing.
Only other option is for me to make it not dodge the ability at all but during the laning phase, it's really helpful.
This option would allow me to choose when to dodge and when not to so I can go on the chase.
"Dodge only dangerous"
For me it doesn't dodge blitzcrank grabs , and when there is some skillshots my LOL freeze but it may come from my computer..
For me it doesn't dodge blitzcrank grabs , and when there is some skillshots my LOL freeze but it may come from my computer..
so i click download but nothing happends what shall i do pleas help me
so i click download but nothing happends what shall i do pleas help
v0.04 Update:
-Fixed Zilean Spelldata
-Fixed Zyggs Spelldata
-Fixed Zyra Spelldata
-Added Illaoi Tectancle Dodge click for more -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Added Kled Q, Q2, E Skillshots
-Added Kled Q, E as evade spells
-Fixed a REALLY HUGE LAG when a skillshot is casted
-Fixed OnIssueOrder errors once and forever
-Fixed another huge lag with spelldata (bugs also fixed)
-Fixed Minion Collision (now it takes jungle minions aswell)
-Fixed Sion R Evading
-Added Jhin W FOW Dodge click for more -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Added Jinx W FOW Dodge -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Added Lux R FOW Dodge click for more -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Linear Non-Missile Skillshots Dodge is way more accurate now -- Thanks evitaerCi
-Improved Evading Logic, now it prioritize your current move orders (Orbwalk/RightClick) if it's safe pos and path
-Optimized PathFinding
-Optimized Algorithm for getting evade points
-Credits for
for testing with me to fix OnIssueOrder errors
v0.05 Small Fixes:
-Fixed Detecting Own Skillshots (only missiles)
-Removed Debug Prints
v0.06 Update:
-Added a print for load
-Disable F7 Evade By Default
-Fixed A bug where it didn't block normal orders
v0.07 Update:
-Fixed Core behind getting evade points (All skillshots had wrong evade algorithm sadly :S, so blitz Q, Leona E should be fine now )-- Thanks
for testing fappa
-Fixed WardJump priority
No Credits,
v0.05 Small Fixes:
-Fixed Detecting Own Skillshots (only missiles)
-Removed Debug Prints
the fps is fixed
but it never dodges (I feel like it doesn't even move) blitz Q, Leona E, morgana Q, zyra E, zigg Q (and this has a bug: although ziggQ first bounce hit enemy or creep, but second and third bounce draws are still displayed), other skills are not tested yet
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