Which Xerath build works best with this?
Lol this is the worst thing to ask. There build that works perfect in all situations. It's always situational to what you play against.
Which Xerath build works best with this?
Lol this is the worst thing to ask. There build that works perfect in all situations. It's always situational to what you play against.
Which Xerath build works best with this?
Can you add option to disable instant Q? Pls I'm having troubles with that
when update? default orb is now yours noddy .. so we dont need to disable combo to not interupt R maybe u can block orb actions while R then
can you add laneclear jungleclear settings pls for xerath and you other addons sivir
when update? default orb is now yours noddy .. so we dont need to disable combo to not interupt R maybe u can block orb actions while R then
Wow, I didn't see some release, but is the Noddy Orbwalker the default one in ext now ?
Can I get banned using this on EXT?
Wow, I didn't see some release, but is the Noddy Orbwalker the default one in ext now ?
Can I get banned using this on EXT?
EXT still undetected.
EXT still undetected.
What if I get reported when scripting on Xerath?
How do I kite back? When I'm in teamfight combo mode he just goes in for me like a retard and dies.
Is there some kinda auto harass? There instances where I just wanna run off but the script makes him go back in the fight and attack and then I die when I try to run away.
try to disable auto E gapcloser .. sometimes he tries to cast it even when not off cooldown .. at least this feels like it could be the problem why he walk in again
Thank you friend, that worked.
Any idea why sometimes when I'm in harass combo it would load a Q but never fire it?
i dont know maybe its a problem with the orbwalker .. i just dont use the xerath harras key .. i mean i set it on another key and do all with space
Thank you friend, that worked.
Any idea why sometimes when I'm in harass combo it would load a Q but never fire it?
Yep I saw this matter too, but in the past it was really rare, seems to happen more often now.
Works great thanks for share!
went 18/6 in ranked with this and the default orbwalker lmao. Freelo
Oc i'm currently D4 and 290 xerath euw just by playing with this script.
original elo before scripting ?
awsome script but why not working with new client ?
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