original elo before scripting ?
Wow, It was 3 years ago, and I think the max legit I reach was gold 1
original elo before scripting ?
Wow, It was 3 years ago, and I think the max legit I reach was gold 1
i meant before using xer
Don't understand My legit max ranking was gold 1, my scripting max ranking was D2 with another platform
Given some of the previous comments I thought it would be appropriate to ask whether or not this script has helped you climb? If so it would be interesting to note some of the improvements in elo experienced.
its just free elo, nothing more to say, this script can eloboost anyone
its just free elo, nothing more to say, this script can eloboost anyone
well good midlaner will crush u anyway
It's why I like Xerath, u can play aggro in early to test your opponent, then if he is better than you, you can still play pussy as **** and be a beast in late.
Imo the only matter of Xerath is it's hard to carry without a decent frontlane.
does it not using the blue trinket in combo anymore ? or is it just me ?
edit: also can noddy maybe fix the prediction of R so it hits the center on a camp again and not predict like 2meters so the easy can dodge it with pressing S after "faking" a direction ???? its ****ed up i dont know .. makes me raging hard when enemy team knows "you are scripting" and laughing at me when the prediction fails hard .... d2 elo .... so fkin annoyig
edit2: ok ilooked at it closer in practise mode .. sometimes the target selector is ****ed i guess when a minion is lasthitable he R's the minion instead of the champion when R manually and hold spacebar .. idk why but it happens every ult in practise mode dont know how to make a vid of the problem ..otherwise i would like to show what i mean :/
edit3: ok i think it is a problem with ic orb target selector even when i disable combo mode in ic orb for lazy xerath it seems like it works better with default orb on my side
It's said since the creation of the script than we need to disable orb combo for t his script
ye i do but it still seems to be a difference ,, idk
Got no account with Xerath -> Can't test, update stuff right now
Got no account with Xerath -> Can't test, update stuff right now
how the ult works
This Script isn't working for me just using 1 spell and after that the script doesn't work anymore.
Dont use other Scripts and OW is disabled
Got Same result with OW enabled
So Combo is working but everything else isn't...
Also, did not load into game until I commented out this line:
if myHero.charName ~= "Xerath" then return end
Even when I picked Xerath... weird?
This Script isn't working for me just using 1 spell and after that the script doesn't work anymore.
Dont use other Scripts and OW is disabledGot Same result with OW enabled
Try with quick cast enabled?
Got no account with Xerath -> Can't test, update stuff right now
If you need accounts with any champion pm.
Script Status?
Script Status?
For me script is not working well. A lot of time xerath preparing Q but no shoot (even if enemy in range). Very often xerath Q going to different direction (Not to enemy). Combo not using properly QWE. I have to repeat "space" few times. :/
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[Rx Xerath] Updated Ver 0.2Started by MaintoRudo , 11 Sep 2015 Xerath, script, scripts and 1 more... |
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