This simple script has only one job - tell you how many autoattack you need to take down any enemy turret in the game.
Additionally you can enable showing the information about the Reinforced Armor current status.
This script is still in >Work in Progress< status and more interesting features are coming soon.
- Showing special information when any of the enemy turrets can be destroyed in less than 5 attacks.
- Don't forget to click Upvote button if you use or just like some of my scripts. It shows me how much my scripts are useful for this community and what kind of scripts should be my priority when coding new scripts. It also shows to the other people that they can always trust and rely on my scripts.
- I greatly appreciate any donations via PayPal. Click here if you want to donate a poor support like me via any amount of gold for my Stealth Wards.
- If you can't donate me, but you think that clicking upvote button is just not enough then just feel free to say few kind words about my script. It's great to know that someone very much appreciates your work and it's even better if he speaks openly about it! ^^