Your Lucian script is amazing, but load of FPS drop and very laggy.
A suggestion: add an auto W in Tristana script.
E.g: E Lucian.PS: sry for the english, I use Google Translate.
About the W on Tris I feel its not such a good idea bcs you want to save it for dangerous situations
Bro Lucian is beast... Yesterday i made a 24/4 but there is a problem.... Very laggy late game... VERY... FPS with a very big drop... Please fix it and it will be perfect !
I know about thos problem I need to look into it but for now you can reload the script (2xF6) and it will be fine
i just got bugsplat on ezreal scripts please fixed it.
I will check out whats wrong
EDIT: Tested everything works fine
Tested Tristana a little bit,
Here's feedback:
After small patch 04.09.2015 in League of Legends, when I press space tristana will atack enemy, BUT instead of orbwalking she will just stay in place like bronze 5 scrub
Anyway, this script is godlike, I really like it
The orbwalk problem is not from my script its an overall gos problem