Everything is updated to Inspired newest versionHave fun ♥
Everything is updated to Inspired newest versionHave fun ♥
what's inside in testscript1.lua?
what's inside in testscript1.lua?
require('ScriptNameHere') pcall( require, GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) ) Example require('Ezreal') pcall( require, GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) )
No need for IOW?
No need for IOW?
You dont need to use IOW
I love your scripts dude ! Thanks for having updated it to Inspired !
Hope you'll create Kog and Varus scripts too *-*
Soon Graves
You dont need to use IOW
Soon Graves
jinx soon Keppo
i love you noddy... corki very very good scripts
the script is done but i can't use the last hit and lane clear key's. Do you know why? the combo is ok.
i love you noddy... corki very very good scripts
Thanks :3
I'm press C to harass. It working done but don't use q for harass and not last hit creep. Pls add skill q for harass. Corki champion
I chould add it later
the script is done but i can't use the last hit and lane clear key's. Do you know why? the combo is ok.
Use the build-in orbwalker [F7] or one other like IOW
all off your script is need f7 orb walker? may i right boss
noddy... and how i put the testscript1.lua?
actually my archive is:
I love Dis Script xD Thnx For it
You dont need to use IOW
Soon Graves
Kalista for god's sake *-*
nice but i noticed some few things
doesn't use ult when some one is low even in front of you
harass dont use spells
all off your script is need f7 orb walker? may i right boss
Yes mate
noddy... and how i put the testscript1.lua?
actually my archive is:
require('Inspired')require('IOW')pcall( require, GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) )
--My looks like this require('Graves') pcall( require, GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) ) --But if you want to use the Inspired Orbwalker you can do this require('IOW') require('Graves') pcall( require, GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) )
I love Dis Script xD Thnx For it
Np c:
Kalista for god's sake *-*
Deftsu got already a good Kalista
And I don't own Kalista on my smurf :/
nice but i noticed some few things
doesn't use ult when some one is low even in front of you
harass dont use spells
I dont have Harass support right now only Combo
And which champ doesnt use Ult?
vayne e twich pls
Yes. Thank you. you are the best heehhehe.
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