Which champ ?
And dont say me that you used it on a non supported champ
I see that error too using Ezreal!
Which champ ?
And dont say me that you used it on a non supported champ
I see that error too using Ezreal!
I have some quistion i use lux and there's text that blahhh is returning to base why lux can't use ulti? is it auto or manual?
I have some quistion i use lux and there's text that blahhh is returning to base why lux can't use ulti? is it auto or manual?
Auto but I didnt check for the if you are in range of baseult but if it says RecallUlt on XXXX than it should cast Ult
Will push an update soon for it
what about Troll Twisted fate Ult killable lmao.
So if use RecallULT still can play with any champions ?
So if use RecallULT still can play with any champions ?
If you dont play with a supported champ it will give you a error so better turn it off
its not perfect.
I already turn it off
but play with your zed script still get error
Just doesnt load it
U should make it like: when we're using champions who're supported by this script it works, but when it isnt supporting champ - would be off.
Not working with Far Range right ? i use ezreal AP, expample : i farming at Mid, see someone have lit Heal at Bot, and hide in fog to recall, its not ulti :* why?
This is my testscript1.lua . I don't see the recalult to work, I need to do
What do I name the download in my commons folder?
How to use Deftsu's baseult with Noddy's Ezreal script? I tried requiring Baseult witihin Noddy's ezreal script however recalltracker does not even seem to be working.
Update pls , not working. doesnt starts a ult
in testscript1.lua, I need to include call baseult lua too?
Perfect Work with Jinx
Surrend at 20 for 3 kills on base and so feed haha
Perfect Work with Jinx
Surrend at 20 for 3 kills on base and so feed haha
kill on base is base ult right!? That is not what this script do
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