Version 0.01
Fixed lasthit. Better laneclear. Fixed after attack event.
What was bad in code ?
LocalGetWindUpAA_GSO() return math.floor(myHero.attackData.windUpTime*1000)
LocalGetAnimationAA_GSO() return math.floor(myHero.attackData.animationTime*1000)
example math.floor(0,154668*1000) = 155 and in real this is 154,668 - +-2ms - idk maybe better performance or menu slider last hit i changed to 75.
changed to:
LocalGetWindUpAA_GSO() return myHero.attackData.windUpTime
LocalGetAnimationAA_GSO() return return myHero.attackData.animationTime
Now is perfect again !
doran + pot, no back, end farm in time 10:00
104cs lasthit (and there was 9cs to kill) so if i will do perfect laneclear then this will be 110+(now is good 100cs/10min-98bec cait passive)
98cs laneclear but miss some because of caitlyn passive (need set bonusdmg function via GamsteronOrbwalker API)
before i had only 89cs in laneclear mode
Set Bonus Damage for caitlyn:
local dmg = myHero.totalDamage
dmg = (dmg * 2.5) - dmg
for i = 0, myHero.buffCount do
local buff = myHero:GetBuff(i)
if buff.count > 0 and == "caitlynheadshot" then
return dmg
return 0
Version 0.02
Better TS armor calculations