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orbwalker gamsteron orb orbwalking lasthit last hit laneclear lane clear harass harrass

Best Answer gamsteron , 12 April 2018 - 09:30

Added auto updater + .exe installer (you need run it only once - this is open source exe file - you can see code in any .net debugger)

GsoLibs Installer: https://github.com/g...s/tag/Installer

You need wait for: "download complete ..." status.


This will create folders, add auto updater, download all files from https://github.com/gamsteron/gsoLibs  +  download testLoader.lua to Scripts folder


Select testLoader.lua in loader.exe and you can use my new orbwalker.

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Have you changed anything? Because missling lots of cs this wasnt happening.


IcyOrbwalker miss cs too. Tested and GamsteronOrbwalker lasthit is better than Icy. Icy has better laneclear. You say that 100cs/10.00 is bad ? Sometimes miss minion (after lasthit attack enemyMinion has low hp and allyMinions will kill him -> this issue is in IcyOrbwalker too). Need handle allyMinions attack cancel. I can check timers -> if minion isDead or hasmovepath between startAttackTime and attackDoneTime then attack was canceled. Ofc i can add activeAttacks array too -> so will compute enemyMinion health based only on this attacks. My orbwalker predict future attacks. For perfection need calculate only activeAttacks -> in this way allyMinion isAttacking and allyMinion.aadata.target == enemyMinion.handle. Sometimes allyMinion change position and in this time has same allyMinion.aadata.target ID -> my orbwalker compute dmg from this minion too - but should not(bad timers and allyMinion can change target).


PS anyway nobody can do perfect lasthit :) If player send attack to minion then allyMinion can cancel attack in this time. Calculations is based on unit.aadata.endTime - this value is changed on attack animation, not on attackDone - so check for attack cancel is worth). Icy has same issue with lowHP minion after lasthit attack. Solution is to change allyMinions dmg to lower value for example 26->20.

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IcyOrbwalker miss cs too. Tested and GamsteronOrbwalker lasthit is better than Icy. Icy has better laneclear. You say that 100cs/10.00 is bad ? Sometimes miss minion (after attack minion has low hp and other minions kill him -> this issue is in IcyOrbwalker too). Need handle allyMinions attack cancel. I can check timers -> if minion isDead or hasmovepath between startAttackTime and attackDoneTime then attack was canceled. Ofc i can add activeAttacks array too -> so will compute enemyMinion health based only on this attacks. My orbwalker predict future attacks.


PS anyway nobody can do perfect lasthit :) If player send attack to minion then allyMinion can cancel attack in this time. Calculations is based on unit.aadata.endTime - this value is changed on attack animation, not on attackDone - so check for attack cancel is worth). Icy has same issue with lowHP minion after lasthit attack. Solution is to change allyMinions dmg to lower value for example 26->20.


Nono you didnt understand what Im saying. Ive already used this orbwalker, and yes its very good. I prefer yours over any other atm. But I was getting 100cs in 10 mins without basing yes and missing very little amount of minions. But in the last couple of real games with twitch botlane its missed more cs than usual thats why I asked if you've changed anything.

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You can see changes here: https://github.com/g...e/master/Common

last change 1 day ago. If you want update run my exe - wait for 0.09 :). This is still version 0.08 http://gamingonstero...alker/?p=133688

Normal/Ranked game isn't Custom. Maybe you was farming under turret ? (There is no turret logic in my orbwalker - i will add in 0.09). If you die then you can lost 6+cs. If you recall to base then you can lost 6+cs If you roam, fight too much then you know  :)


PS I have done betaorbwalker with activeAttacks + onMissilecreate + onMissiledelete. Draws all missiles/attacks and lasthitable minions. Missile trajectory is perfect.

I can handle missile position + missile unitFrom + missile unitTo in real time.



You can test (only X key last hit) based on activeAttacks + remove canceled attacks: https://pastebin.com/nfZhvnCR

+ draw missiles and lasthitable minions


Beta2, added melee minions, fixed timers etc. https://pastebin.com/u9VtZsyU -> no more lowHP issue :) -> ofc can be but not so many like before

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We got a updating orb now! 

Thank you for your hard work?

Could you make a compatible mode to receive other orbwalker api calls? So it can be used with existing scripts for other orbs

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Is it possible to add an option to actually use A-Click ? Because all the external orbwalker seem really unreal if you stream with them. Idk if it can be implemented in the orbwalker or if it has to be down in GOS Api

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Farm update will take me longer -> need test and if will be better than current then i'll update.


First i can make turret logic, maybe A-Click(but idk what i should do ?) -> use A if hold orbwalker keys or ?

It is possible to use other orbwalkers api -> i'll add menu option ON/OFF disable otherorbwalker move/attack + disable gamsteronorbwalker ON/OFF + disable gamsteronorbwalker movement/attack ON/OFF

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Farm update will take me longer -> need test and if will be better than current then i'll update.


First i can make turret logic, maybe A-Click(but idk what i should do ?) -> use A if hold orbwalker keys or ?

It is possible to use other orbwalkers api -> i'll add menu option ON/OFF disable otherorbwalker move/attack + disable gamsteronorbwalker ON/OFF + disable gamsteronorbwalker movement/attack ON/OFF

When u press ingame A u get the auto range circle and u can left click to attack move which is what a lot of higher elo player use when they kite at faster speed. So it makes the orbwalk look more realistic imo.

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Make a toggle in the settings, if on then instead of moving mouse to target when you want to attack them just A-Click / attack-move in the same spot without moving the mouse, this way the orbwalker never moves the mouse and you are relying on the attack-move to target the enemy.

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Farming Beta3 -> almost perfect lasthit, need add enemyMinion predictedPosition and will be 100+cs/10.00 Added almostLastHitable, laneClearable Minions draw etc. https://pastebin.com/32L1pp6e
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104cs/10.00 LaneClear Beta4: https://pastebin.com/cKa8hK1r (miss only 3cs :) ) Added enemyMinion predictedPosition, etc.


Now i can say my orbwalker is better in lastHit and in laneClear than IcyOrbwalker :)


Now i'll add turret logic to Beta4 and after this i'll make fusion gamsteronOrbwalker with Beta4Orbwalker :)

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Happy to see you back and updating, great work ;)

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How do i get this orbwalker to work with LazyXerath Script?

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Beta5 -> ideal code for laneclear, miss only 100% unkillable minions, there are 3 situations:
1. enemyMinion move after myHero attack[so should predicted pos but is minion.pos]
2. melee minion stop attacking current target[no missile so can't check aa cancel for melee minion]
3. 2+ killable minions and many allyMinions aggro -> 1+cs can be 100% unkillable[myHero.animationTime too high->low attack speed]).

Improved performance + added/changed important code.

I have minimum 102/107cs in 10.00 and my record 106/107cs [if you have luck(less 100% unkillable minions)]. With IcyOrbwalker i have 100cs always. 6cs more is more than pink ward :)
This code is 100% ready, now i can add other stuff.

106cs 9:59 / 107or108cs (1 or 2 miss) https://i.imgur.com/KhBC4s0.png  https://pastebin.com/0iUVQF5D

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Nice orb, keep it up and it'll be the best one.
Things that i missed in it:

Hold Radius ;
AttackTurret in Laneclear mode when there's no minions;

For now thats it.

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haha i have it ! New core orb logic

ideal kite

reset attacks after bad issue

reset attack if spell(qwer) or sumspell(flash,etc.) was casted in attack time -> this is biggest issue for all orbwalkers -> for example vayne stop attack for long time after E, or twitch W etc. -> fixed :) now you can win 1v1 vs challanger (just need good positioning and thinking :) )

block attack if player will cast spell(+will add API cast before spell usage stopAttack(spellCastTime)-and my orbwalker will stop attack in spell cast time for example 0.25: for good integration will add orbwalker castSpell()


that's better than all internal orbwalkers:


fixed -> https://pastebin.com/XZzu803E


PS i'll rewrite gamsteronOrbwalker -> add class, remove bad apis, add good stuff like stopAttack(spellCastTime) + new laneclear[health prediction] + new core orb + setMousePos(pos)[for evade integration - evade.attackIfEvade can be enabled so gsoOrb:setMove(false) will not help] etc.

wait for 0.09

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haha i have it ! New core orb logic

ideal kite

reset attacks after bad issue

reset attack if spell(qwer) or sumspell(flash,etc.) was casted in attack time -> this is biggest issue for all orbwalkers -> for example vayne stop attack for long time after E, or twitch W etc. -> fixed :) now you can win 1v1 vs challanger (just need good positioning and thinking :) )

block attack if player will cast spell(+will add API cast before spell usage stopAttack(spellCastTime)-and my orbwalker will stop attack in spell cast time for example 0.25: for good integration will add orbwalker castSpell()


that's better than all internal orbwalkers:


fixed -> https://pastebin.com/XZzu803E


PS i'll rewrite gamsteronOrbwalker -> add class, remove bad apis, add good stuff like stopAttack(spellCastTime) + new laneclear[health prediction] + new core orb + setMousePos(pos)[for evade integration - evade.attackIfEvade can be enabled so gsoOrb:setMove(false) will not help] etc.

wait for 0.09

Amazing man, lol !
Can't wait for using this!

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You can use this beta orbwalker -> https://pastebin.com/2q4dVCD1 (but will not work with gsoAIO and other addons) -> fusion new core orb + perfect laneclear(now predicted health is perfect)

fixed: https://pastebin.com/BF3nyUTF


Tested 2minutes ago 106cs 9:57 [my ping 100-200ms, miss 1 or 2 cs] + added attack enemies in laneClear mode :) Will add attack turrets in next version.



My menu settings:







Soon twitch with this orb and i'll win 90%+games :)


after orbwalker will be ready maybe i'll code professional prediction so it will be ez to carry from mid lane

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hmm maybe thats noob question but how install that in loader?
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orbwalker included in my gso_aio.lua: https://pastebin.com/fy1NxP58

soon will include twitch, now will work only with Ashe


fixed ashe (windup after Q, W, R) and some improvement.


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Could you do cursor on minion check when moving? Because it sometimes clicks on minion when moving. 

Also, could you do aa reset on sivir W? I found it does not reset AA when I use W while using orbwalker

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: orbwalker, gamsteron, orb, orbwalking, lasthit, last hit, laneclear, lane clear, harass, harrass

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