Update / redownload !
Hope you appreciate the time and love i've put into this one, i love it
Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
Update / redownload !
Hope you appreciate the time and love i've put into this one, i love it
Irelia E doesn't complete it. throws first but not second
my man, love u. İrelia sc awesome Thanks <3
Jhin dont work R in combo. fix please XD.
Irelia E doesn't complete it. throws first but not second
play with prediction settings
my man, love u. İrelia sc awesome Thanks <3
Jhin dont work R in combo. fix please XD.
Update / redownload !
Hope you appreciate the time and love i've put into this one, i love it
what next ? Vel'KoZ ?
Are you taking paid requests? Would really like a kled script from you.
I can add the other 100 Champs aswell, doesnt mean i will ^^
I guess so if that's your attitude no worries ^^
I guess so if that's your attitude no worries ^^
as you might have noticed im pushing a lot of champs lately,please give me a break and calm down with the requests.
Maybe next champ is yours?
Jesus crist!! ur irelia is so wonderful! Thanks bud!
thank you i would like to scirpt you vladimir
GangPlank pliss <3
Pyke with the horrible Q!
Adjust your performance settings and...
update your scripts when they got updated
Since Gamestron is back, could you possibly add his orb into the list of supported orbs? Would love to use his orb with your script!
Have been using LazyMasterYi
May I ask what is "AutoWin" mean lol?
Thanks all the hard work!
Have been using LazyMasterYi
May I ask what is "AutoWin" mean lol?
Thanks all the hard work!
Thank you for enjoying
"AutoWin" is actually a leftover of kind of an auto jungle i made for myself using master yi.
The option has no use whatsoever atm, maybe ill introduce the autojungle one day
Means i left it there just for fun.
Hope this helps ^^
Good luck in the rift
Hi. if i use this script, Gos notepad++ closes(the program i inject into).
what should i do?
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