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Best Answer DamnedNooB , 26 August 2019 - 01:25
Thanks for your work, only scripts working properly on Ext. Keep up the good work PLEASE <3
Was hoping for a new version of internal, but since that wont happen too soon -
LazyAiO rewritten as soon as i have a new motherboard. (pc ded right now).
Thanks for the kind words!!
Sorry for the absence, real life is a bi*** and my pc commited suicide
Posted 20 August 2018 - 09:06

Posted 20 August 2018 - 10:15

why fere would not check it?or maybe he dont know?
check what? If you got errors report them. no reports = nothing to fix. easy as that
E: "This doesnt work, that goes the wrong way, stuff is crashing" does not help at all. if you encounter crashes/errors/whatever,
try to:
- take a screenshot of the error
- remember when it happened/what happened before/after you encountered your issue
- describe as detailed as possible
Here: http://gamingonstero...ow-they-happen/
Thank you
Posted 20 August 2018 - 10:45

check what? If you got errors report them. no reports = nothing to fix. easy as that
E: "This doesnt work, that goes the wrong way, stuff is crashing" does not help at all. if you encounter crashes/errors/whatever,
try to:
- take a screenshot of the error
- remember when it happened/what happened before/after you encountered your issue
- describe as detailed as possible
Here: http://gamingonstero...ow-they-happen/
Thank you
we cant kite normaly ,the clicker going crazy till we refresh with F6..
every 5min
but there is no error for this so i guess nothing to report just check the api ,but fere too busy to do so.so i guess we have to say thanks we got that half working ext.but nothing against you,you are no the issue here.you are the cutiest dog with the cutiest skripts ever.
Posted 20 August 2018 - 11:07

i would like to report a problem.
I tried the Kalista and also Sivir script and both of them has got the problem dat if i press combo key they autoattack and also use spells like Sivir E and also W and Kalista E is also used. But the skillshots doesnt work.
Sivir script shows me always the Q skillshot box that appears if i click the combo key but it never execute the Q Spell. It spams the skillshot Box but never execute(kinda buggy) The same is with Kalista Q. I hope you can understand what i mean.
I dont know the logic behind the Q of Sivir or Kalista and i dont understand Lua but can you check the logic pls ? or maybe its a API or prediction problem. When im at home i try to do some gameplay footage for u.
sorry for bad englando...
Posted 20 August 2018 - 11:40

we cant kite normaly ,the clicker going crazy till we refresh with F6..
every 5min
but there is no error for this so i guess nothing to report just check the api ,but fere too busy to do so.so i guess we have to say thanks we got that half working ext.but nothing against you,you are no the issue here.you are the cutiest dog with the cutiest skripts ever.
Had no issues with orbwalk when testing, sorry.
i would like to report a problem.
I tried the Kalista and also Sivir script and both of them has got the problem dat if i press combo key they autoattack and also use spells like Sivir E and also W and Kalista E is also used. But the skillshots doesnt work.
Sivir script shows me always the Q skillshot box that appears if i click the combo key but it never execute the Q Spell. It spams the skillshot Box but never execute(kinda buggy) The same is with Kalista Q. I hope you can understand what i mean.
I dont know the logic behind the Q of Sivir or Kalista and i dont understand Lua but can you check the logic pls ? or maybe its a API or prediction problem. When im at home i try to do some gameplay footage for u.
sorry for bad englando...
uncheck "cast spells with indicator", try in custom and report back. played sivir with no issues yesterday
Posted 21 August 2018 - 12:14

I think you should lose some fps. 75 hz monitor lost 20 fps.. more than lost
Posted 21 August 2018 - 12:45

I think you should lose some fps. 75 hz monitor lost 20 fps.. more than lost
ok will do
Posted 21 August 2018 - 12:51

Had no issues with orbwalk when testing, sorry.
uncheck "cast spells with indicator", try in custom and report back. played sivir with no issues yesterday
i couldnt find the option "cast spells with indicator" in script. can you show me picture?
Posted 21 August 2018 - 02:35

i couldnt find the option "cast spells with indicator" in script. can you show me picture?
League settings. ("Quickcast with indicator") - OFF.
Posted 21 August 2018 - 07:16

Hi Rengar and kayne no works
Posted 21 August 2018 - 08:18

Hi!Hi Rengar and kayne no works
Thats unfortunate. Check your GoS installation, because they do work.

E: If you want a more useful response, you should try and make a useful report. (look at the big green box at the top, ty.)
E2: 3 New champs in Pipeline, stay tuned!

Posted 21 August 2018 - 10:56

@DamnedNoob your responses are giving me life bro. Hilarious lol. Keep up the good work. Going to give your code a go.
Posted 21 August 2018 - 11:31

Is LeBlanc working after the rework it had (coming back old)?
Is LeBlanc working after the rework it had (coming back old)?
Posted 22 August 2018 - 01:36

<3 that damnednoob =P
Posted 22 August 2018 - 02:20

@DamnedNoob your responses are giving me life bro. Hilarious lol. Keep up the good work. Going to give your code a go.
Hope you enjoy (i think api is still a lil buggy, so... ye)
Is LeBlanc working after the rework it had (coming back old)?
Is LeBlanc working after the rework it had (coming back old)?
I think so
I think so
<3 that damnednoob =P
Posted 22 August 2018 - 02:37

dude i love u <3 .....just kalista need more work i dont know i ant report anything but the play style is not that good + E for kill some times not working
Posted 22 August 2018 - 06:38

cant do much without suggestions. Played her a few times some days ago and every thing worked pretty well. E calcs were on point. If you have useful suggestions let me know and ill See what i can dodude i love u <3 .....just kalista need more work
i dont know i ant report anything but the play style is not that good + E for kill some times not working
Posted 23 August 2018 - 01:06

cant do much without suggestions. Played her a few times some days ago and every thing worked pretty well. E calcs were on point. If you have useful suggestions let me know and ill See what i can do
Jungle monster E "smite" with toggle so that you don't steal from your own jungler, but can toggle on when you want to last hit with E and try to steal from enemy team etc.
Posted 23 August 2018 - 02:07

Jungle monster E "smite" with toggle so that you don't steal from your own jungler, but can toggle on when you want to last hit with E and try to steal from enemy team etc.
Just dont press clear if you dont want to clear it wtf
Posted 23 August 2018 - 03:08

Just dont press clear if you dont want to clear it wtf
I don't think you understand what I'm suggesting... for example doing dragon, it does not AUTO E to execute, the toggle is just convenience suggestion if you do add the auto E for jungle mobs.
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