Doesn't seem to work, tried with caitlyn.
The orbwalker doesn't even work with the script.
Yes, it does. You must not understand how it all works or tried all the possible solutions. It took me a few days to figure the whole "platform" out, but once you do, its glorious. Which orbwalker are you using? There are more than one. Make sure you change the key settings to whichever you like, make sure your screen is in borderless/windowed mode... I have a mouse with mouse button 1 and mouse button 2 and I like to use them for "Lane Clear" and "Last Hit" as I don't have to move my fingers on the keyboard as much.
I used the cait script for the first time 2 days ago and it was fun. Auto traps and E if possible when cc'd, it was cool.
Either way, you legit didn't even ask for help or suggestions or post a picture of your settings or enabled scripts, so you virtually are just posting for no reason. If you want help, explain.