Lux combo [button] feels really crappy in high elo (it nearly hits Q/E), if you are able to hit Q your self then its GG
. Really fast combo, good job. Im playing with default settings from every aspect(only thing I have changed is taking drawings off from orbwalk)
Auto W works really good. Auto ulti hit X works good, kill steal misses (doesnt kill enemy).
Spacebar sucks in high elo no matter the champion. Use skills manually and only use spacebar if you need a quick assist.
What's the issue you're having with lux KS? Does a great job in my experience. Obviously allies can kill the target before your ult finishes casting though.
Ok tested fiora a bit against bots:
important things that needs to change:
1Sometimes fiora doesnt cast spells, like for example jax is running away when she can just cast a Q spell to get close to him and kill him with that spell, it doesnt cast.
Very important fix:
2 In ic orbwalker you have target selector, which will make you stick to a target, and it's very usefull for melee champs. It will always cancel while you're still holding space, which will make you miss a kill.
You need to fix ic orbwalker target selector so it sticks to the target all the time 100%, unless you cancel it or the target dies.
This is very important for melee champs
Spacebar does not do anything on fiora besides turn on Q to vitals (only makes a difference when you toggle off auto q to vital in settings... which I recommend doing outside of bronze lol)
Orbwalker seems to store the same target for me even when I move around but seems the orbwalker will still return other targets as valid. Either way though,t he script just resets your auto attacks. You should be the one choosing who to attack in 9/10 cases.
explain please hit chance settings.
Same as pretty much every bot ever.
1 = in range
2 = has some path data or some way to predict hit
3 = taking action, slowed, close to you, etc. Some way that the bot thinks the spell hit is very likely
4 = dashing or otherwise locked into their movement
5 = immobile
xerath is so damn clean woo
Glad to hear it