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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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Auto update? and Cassi give error = https://pasteboard.co/HnKcHHK.png

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Auto update? and Cassi give error = https://pasteboard.co/HnKcHHK.png



That error means nothing, just reload it pushing F6. 


The script downloads all required updates every time its loaded.

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BETA Pyke added


Q in combo when close to enemy

Q pull or hit list (pull charges at least .55 seconds to pull them over you or towards you)

W when using combo and not super close to enemies but one is nearby (gapcloser)

E when it can hit X enemies and in combo E on immobile targets

R killsteal R when can hit X enemies in combo


Evade with E/W coming later. I think it will be too unreliable to use that way though


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BETA Pyke added


Q in combo when close to enemy

Q pull or hit list (pull charges at least .55 seconds to pull them over you or towards you)

W when using combo and not super close to enemies but one is nearby (gapcloser)

E when it can hit X enemies and in combo E on immobile targets

R killsteal R when can hit X enemies in combo


Evade with E/W coming later. I think it will be too unreliable to use that way though


That's quick XD, thank you for your hard work.

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BETA Pyke added


Q in combo when close to enemy

Q pull or hit list (pull charges at least .55 seconds to pull them over you or towards you)

W when using combo and not super close to enemies but one is nearby (gapcloser)

E when it can hit X enemies and in combo E on immobile targets

R killsteal R when can hit X enemies in combo


Evade with E/W coming later. I think it will be too unreliable to use that way though



Glad you took my request and ran with it! Seems like you beat @DamnedNooB to it hehe  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  :wub:  Much love.

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Also - excited to try Taliyah! I just read her update for 8.11 and she seemed to have gotten quite a buff! Will come back with results. Thanks again Sikaka! Keep rocking, thankful to have you here!

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Samer Lag Script 

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Samer Lag Script 



such lag!



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She uses it to block CC spells - not every spell in the game can be handled by the bot and even those that can be handled, not all are added yet.


Expect to see it block things like blitz hooks, morg binding, ahri charms, etc. Things like that are fairly easy for the bot to block. Things like jax stun cant be blocked cause the bot doesn't have access to any of the data it would need (and they can choose when to detonate it)


Not sure if this is worth it, but if jax uses dodge spell x distance from you or your adc(If you play support) then activate shield as a precaution?

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Not sure if this is worth it, but if jax uses dodge spell x distance from you or your adc(If you play support) then activate shield as a precaution?



Yes and no. 


There is no channel time for his E so it will not count as a spell use. I can check for the buff being added to him and if you are within its range then consider it a 'hit' even though it wont be for a while. This wont help if he jumps into range after using it (which is like 99% of his use). 


Also adding it will result in a lot of confusion for implementation. If you're trying to block/dodge the incoming CC, it will cause you to dodge/block the START of the spell, not the actually dangerous part. 



Tl-dr yes I could easily do a workaround which would help morg but it would be unreliable and would harm other functionality like fiora/ahri.

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execute brain.lua and click e on your adc manually when jax jumps.. Most telegraphed spell in the world, cmon guys...

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tali works not good, no E no W.. and the Q are bad too .. 

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tali works not good, no E no W.. and the Q are bad too .. 



Tested her and she used QWE perfectly. I adjusted the default accuracy levels to be a bit more user friendly but I would suggest joining the discord channel to do some troubleshooting if you still have problems with her. She worked fine in my tests just now, landed stuff with good accuracy.

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There is a slight loss of fps. It would be better if corrected. My monitor 75hz. But in game fps 60-62

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Cassio doesn't use E to farm and it seems like she doesn't use W in combo so Im forced to put the auto-cast on 1 target to force is use


and the script always crash at a point in the game while pressing spacebar (only happen with this script)

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Cassio doesn't use E to farm and it seems like she doesn't use W in combo so Im forced to put the auto-cast on 1 target to force is use
and the script always crash at a point in the game while pressing spacebar (only happen with this script)

read the post lol. it's not supposed to farm and it's not supposed to use w in combo. it uses w on dash/immobile or x enemy count. wasting it every time you tap the space bar for half a second is a poor use of the skill so instead it saves it for really strong uses. ir you want it in combo cast it manually

first time I've had anyone report a crash. can't say much without a way to reproduce it. make sure you're only running ic orb and a.lua no other scripts or any kind
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Tested cassiopeia and I highly recommend setting Auto accuracy on Q to 3. Works really good.

Is there an option to disable Autoattacks from X level?

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Tested cassiopeia and I highly recommend setting Auto accuracy on Q to 3. Works really good.
Is there an option to disable Autoattacks from X level?

4 means will only auto cast on dashes and immobile state. 3 will cast often.

you can disable autos in combo using the menu. it's not based on champ level. any time you're below 15 pct mana it uses autos to try to save your ass. best to leave autos on early then turn it off later in the game Imo
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Sikaka, i suppose in ur opinion, defaut setting are better settings for u ?

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