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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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Don't have the recovery email for my old account but just tried jumping back into GOS and this is still working properly for me at least on xerath using GG Orbwalker.  


I know it's a huge mega necro bump but is there any specific champ that used to work well in this that isn't that people would feel is worth updating? Xerath works perfectly still for those who want a 75% manual playstyle vs holddown spacebar option. 

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I've removed a bunch of champions that had limited functionality or relied on seemingly broken API functionality. Thread updated to reflect the changes.  


For those looking for a blast from the past or new users looking for a different style of script, I'd really love to hear your feedback on this. I'm excited to develop more content for the project but own very few champs on my smurf so I'm mostly going back and reviewing existing content to make sure it's not broken after these years. 


As a reminder this script is NOT designed around "hold spacebar for combo". It assists your gameplay by auto casting without any input from the user when the script is confident it can land a key ability or when it can perform something faster than most humans can react. It's honestly such a good feeling just playing the game yourself only to pull off some super clutch stuff by the script reacting faster than you can. 

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Idk if its only me,but when i play Ziggs with Auto V3.0 i got FPS drops 

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I've removed a bunch of champions that had limited functionality or relied on seemingly broken API functionality. Thread updated to reflect the changes.  


For those looking for a blast from the past or new users looking for a different style of script, I'd really love to hear your feedback on this. I'm excited to develop more content for the project but own very few champs on my smurf so I'm mostly going back and reviewing existing content to make sure it's not broken after these years. 


As a reminder this script is NOT designed around "hold spacebar for combo". It assists your gameplay by auto casting without any input from the user when the script is confident it can land a key ability or when it can perform something faster than most humans can react. It's honestly such a good feeling just playing the game yourself only to pull off some super clutch stuff by the script reacting faster than you can. 

welcome back :)

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Idk if its only me,but when i play Ziggs with Auto V3.0 i got FPS drops

Can you list what scripts are being used? Personally the only things active when I play are a.Luc and ggorb. I also have just evade but it’s disabled and drawing only
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i mean no game drop fps but from GoS .. i have this same problem until PussyKate dont remove check that thing from Illaoi :/ 

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i mean no game drop fps but from GoS .. i have this same problem until PussyKate dont remove check that thing from Illaoi :/ 

Yes,, Illaoi i have then removed Object checks.... return object and missles drop GoS fps hard

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Yes,, Illaoi i have then removed Object checks.... return object and missles drop GoS fps hard



Yah just checked and Ziggs is one of the champs in this that uses a lot of object checks. Honestly those checks arent even that useful given how out of date alpha is for skillshot detection.


I've updated the script now to remove onCC/onBlink detection (so no more fancy Qing people as they flash. RIP)


@CRAWLER Wanna let me know if it helps?

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Nice to have you back. Tried the Xerath script. It is clean. Q,W,E work really nice. My only problem is the R. During game it switched from low health targets to other targets not close to death. This caused me to miss out on some kills. And it is not as accurate as I would like. 


Also if you could make a Zyra script, that would be amazing. Let me know, I would love to talk about it!

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Nice to have you back. Tried the Xerath script. It is clean. Q,W,E work really nice. My only problem is the R. During game it switched from low health targets to other targets not close to death. This caused me to miss out on some kills. And it is not as accurate as I would like.

Also if you could make a Zyra script, that would be amazing. Let me know, I would love to talk about it!

Tomorrow I’ll look at making a real combo mode for him. That would be proper target priority, starting q by script in combo vs manual only and some other changes. I should also make use of damage lib and update kills steal logic

I never use the auto ult myself I always aim manually or use assist key (press to aim near mouse and it handles prediction)

I don’t own zyra sadly and looking up objects tends to be really laggy in external so getting her plants may cause low FPS. I can easily do the core skills but without plant overlap it wouldn’t be that sexy.
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Yah just checked and Ziggs is one of the champs in this that uses a lot of object checks. Honestly those checks arent even that useful given how out of date alpha is for skillshot detection.


I've updated the script now to remove onCC/onBlink detection (so no more fancy Qing people as they flash. RIP)


@CRAWLER Wanna let me know if it helps?

Tried in custom game and no lags,thanks :)

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Yah just checked and Ziggs is one of the champs in this that uses a lot of object checks. Honestly those checks arent even that useful given how out of date alpha is for skillshot detection.


I've updated the script now to remove onCC/onBlink detection (so no more fancy Qing people as they flash. RIP)


@CRAWLER Wanna let me know if it helps?

can you check out lulu pls i get fps drops and it takes long to load when selected.

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can you check out lulu pls i get fps drops and it takes long to load when selected.



All champs that shield will be very laggy right now. That's due to how league client protection interferes with GOS. 


When I wrote this script I had a system that checks missiles so you can shield people or cast spells right before CC will land on enemy. It made for some realllyyyy slick gameplay but it's incredibly slow with current GOS limitations. 


I am working on an update for today that will disable all that missile detection stuff in the background. It will make the FPS much much better and because I still check 'on spell cast' type events it should leave most champs working fine. I'll update thread when it's live. 


PS: Also doing a full xerath re-write to add a shiiiiitt ton of functionality. Based on feedback in it my current plan is too review the 'best' scripting champs and make them as polished as possible. In the process I'll likely temporarily remove a bunch of champs from this script until they are up to my standards. 


Thanks for patience and for testing!

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Thanks for patience and for testing!

Thanks for your effort and support as well! 

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Xerath re-write is completed!



There's a lot of **** that's changed so here's the short version. 



When the script selects a target, it will ONLY use that target for future spells for the next X seconds. 

Manual target selection. Left click a target and the script will use that target for the next X seconds. Change the targeting mode in settings and it will ONLY target who you click (wont timeout)

Added a tooooooon of extra stuff for target logic. It's not final but it should help the script more reliably pick up on targets you want to kill. Uses GGOrb hero priority list combined with hit chance to break ties.

Fixed some seemingly outdated values on spells. They should predict much more accurately. Specifically E and R

Cleaned up menus


Removed old logic that was causing slowdowns across all scripts (not just xerath fixed)




I've noticed that because it locks onto a specific target, if you've cast on a target in the past second or so it wont then turn around and E someone else who is diving you. 

This is easy to fix but might be desirable behavior. Maybe have a separate auto peel E where it will forcibly select a new target if you or an ally are being dove and it can land an easy E. Turn and combo them instead (list of if you should retarget them or just E and hold spells for other enemies)



<edit 2>


Added combo start Q charge (not tested)

Added E auto peel (uses combo accuracy if enemies come within X units of yourself). This overrides the selected target to try to save yourself with a clutch stun.

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Hemierdinger does not load, can you fix his script please.

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Hemierdinger does not load, can you fix his script please.





I removed a whole list of champions from the script who were outdated or who didnt have a lot of functionality. 

My current goal is to re-write the existing champs that are under performing and pick only champs that are 'ideal' for scripting. In the short term this will likely mean less champs supported but they will be of higher quality. 


If you'd like to offer a list of functionality you'd like to see in a heim script and why you feel like he'd be good with scripts (I personally didn't find him that strong with them) then I can look at re-adding him in the future. 

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Sivir Added for Testing!


JustEvade is required and the evade must be turned on (not just drawings) for it to block with E. I will likely pick up that project so I can add customization for those who just want it to draw

GGOrbwalker used for W auto attack resets. Will not trigger currently on manually attacking enemy heroes.



Q Functions

Killsteal: If active will ignore whitelists and will auto cast on enemy using combo accuracy

Auto: Cast on accuracy level for whitelisted targets

Combo: Cast on accuracy level for whitelisted targets

Whitelist targets: You can disable casting Q on certain enemies so you don't waste it on that super tank who's 100% hp ;)


W Functions

Auto cast after orbwalker hits enemy champ (mana slider)

Combo cast after orbwalker hits enemy champ (mana slider)


E Functions

Auto cast on un-dodgable spell danger level

Combo cast on un-dodgable spell danger level

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ziggs works good but causes freeze for gos, doesnt crash but freezes ( i was using auto 3.0 and ggorb btw nothing else)

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ziggs works good but causes freeze for gos, doesnt crash but freezes ( i was using auto 3.0 and ggorb btw nothing else)



How long does it freeze for or does it lock up forever?

How often does it happen? Any specific situations like only when in combo or only after using a skill or late into the game? 


Stuff like that can be a bit hard to track down but will see what I can find!

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