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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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How long does it freeze for or does it lock up forever?

How often does it happen? Any specific situations like only when in combo or only after using a skill or late into the game? 


Stuff like that can be a bit hard to track down but will see what I can find!

i had this problem some other sc's before if i compare with them its a bit longer

it happened twice in a game btw and the second one locked up till the end of the game

i think it happened when i pressed combo button

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Xerath re-write is completed!



There's a lot of **** that's changed so here's the short version. 



When the script selects a target, it will ONLY use that target for future spells for the next X seconds. 

Manual target selection. Left click a target and the script will use that target for the next X seconds. Change the targeting mode in settings and it will ONLY target who you click (wont timeout)

Added a tooooooon of extra stuff for target logic. It's not final but it should help the script more reliably pick up on targets you want to kill. Uses GGOrb hero priority list combined with hit chance to break ties.

Fixed some seemingly outdated values on spells. They should predict much more accurately. Specifically E and R

Cleaned up menus


Removed old logic that was causing slowdowns across all scripts (not just xerath fixed)




I've noticed that because it locks onto a specific target, if you've cast on a target in the past second or so it wont then turn around and E someone else who is diving you. 

This is easy to fix but might be desirable behavior. Maybe have a separate auto peel E where it will forcibly select a new target if you or an ally are being dove and it can land an easy E. Turn and combo them instead (list of if you should retarget them or just E and hold spells for other enemies)



<edit 2>


Added combo start Q charge (not tested)

Added E auto peel (uses combo accuracy if enemies come within X units of yourself). This overrides the selected target to try to save yourself with a clutch stun.

Hey man, thank you for taking my feedback and improving upon it! This all sounds amazing. I will test for you sometime this week and let you know how it goes!!

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I removed a whole list of champions from the script who were outdated or who didnt have a lot of functionality. 

My current goal is to re-write the existing champs that are under performing and pick only champs that are 'ideal' for scripting. In the short term this will likely mean less champs supported but they will be of higher quality. 


If you'd like to offer a list of functionality you'd like to see in a heim script and why you feel like he'd be good with scripts (I personally didn't find him that strong with them) then I can look at re-adding him in the future. 

Can you add it back it was working yesterday for me after i put his script in auto folder path.  That is exactly what I wanted something that can auto stun and aim his missile.



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Can you add it back it was working yesterday for me after i put his script in auto folder path.  That is exactly what I wanted something that can auto stun and aim his missile.





Done - heimer is re-added to the script. Please let me know if there's anything you feel that script could do better. 

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Done - heimer is re-added to the script. Please let me know if there's anything you feel that script could do better. 

god im so happy, I loved your heimer and zilean, I played heim 1 week ago still work great, just a lot of fps drop. also if you could check zilean to make it more faster to do the Q-W-Q combo, also your cassio is still the best cassio by far
im really happy you're back :D

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god im so happy, I loved your heimer and zilean, I played heim 1 week ago still work great, just a lot of fps drop. also if you could check zilean to make it more faster to do the Q-W-Q combo, also your cassio is still the best cassio by far
im really happy you're back :D



The fps is probably significantly better now that I've disabled most of the flash/missile checks in the underlying library. This means some of the more advanced functionality for all champs will be neutered (like inbound dmg/cc calculations) but it will run a lot smoother. 


Zilean is pretty high on my list of champs needing a good re-write. He's super fun with scripts but its gotta be smooth or there's no point. 


Right now I'm debating if I want to ditch auto and re-write the whole thing from the ground up (that way I don't keep doing things like deleting champs that 'work ok enough') or just go one champ at a time. Dependent on my schedule this week gonna give syndra a go as a standalone and based on that make some more long term decisions. As near as I can tell there's no really great syndra scripts right now that perform well

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hi, playing Nami,

It auto bounces perfectly, altho the auto q doesnt cast at all, 

i tried it with the default settings, tried doing it auto when only 1 champion, also tried lowwering the combo chance to 1 from 3, also tried changing the assist key from f1 u space bar but still no luck :/

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hi, playing Nami,
It auto bounces perfectly, altho the auto q doesnt cast at all,
i tried it with the default settings, tried doing it auto when only 1 champion, also tried lowwering the combo chance to 1 from 3, also tried changing the assist key from f1 u space bar but still no luck :/

Thanks for feedback I will look at updating her tonight
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General question what happens if I have auto check in loader along with Pussy AIO, will this have some side effects?

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General question what happens if I have auto check in loader along with Pussy AIO, will this have some side effects?

If they don’t both support the same champ then should cause no issue.... if both scripts support champ being played the expect chaos
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hi, playing Nami,

It auto bounces perfectly, altho the auto q doesnt cast at all, 

i tried it with the default settings, tried doing it auto when only 1 champion, also tried lowwering the combo chance to 1 from 3, also tried changing the assist key from f1 u space bar but still no luck :/



Can you try and let me know how it works now? 

I re-wrote the Q logic using the new methods I'm working on. It SHOULD drastically improve the script but I haven't tested. 

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Xerath assist R key not work good sometimes i press assist key but dont cast to enemy (almost only hit immobile enemy)

priority have some problem  , Q almost everytime focus tank , not adc or apc 

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Xerath assist R key not work good sometimes i press assist key but dont cast to enemy (almost only hit immobile enemy)
Q priority have some problem , Q almost everytime focus tank , not adc or apc

There is ignore list in q. If target is disabled it won’t cast on them unless already charged for near max time.

Assist key on ult uses mouse. Place mouse on top of enemy and press assist key and it will predict and aim the cast for you. I have used the assist in many many games so it’s prob mouse not close enough to target or could be some other bug
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Nami R Re-Write completed!


Peel Mode: If enemy comes within X units of whitelisted ally AND can hit # targets, will cast. Toggle allow peel automatically or only in combo. 

Combo Mode: If an ally is nearby cast position and # targets can be hit, AND enemy is within X distance, cast. This is to avoid randomly dumping ult for super long range snipes or when no allies are near to follow up.

Auto Mode: Auto cast if target is within X distance, # target AND accuracy check passes AND ally is nearby. I'll probably change this to allow no ally required toggle so you can have it auto cast R on enemy being CCd for example... 


Assist key: Press assist key to instantly cast ult (if valid targets in range) where it predicts the higher # enemies will be hit. Will likely update to allow a toggle to set priority focus (# targets, priority of champs or hitchance predicted)


Thanks  to salihyildirim

He's given me a smurf with some IP to buy some more heroes with. As per his request I'll be looking at Zoe in upcoming week or so.

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please check lulu,im having fps drop on it  

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I haven't tired your stuff yet, I will tonight. Cant wait. 

What's the best here guys? Did you ever get around to finish that standalone Syndra? Syndra is my fav champ :D

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please check lulu,im having fps drop on it  


Lulu honestly needs a pretty decent sized re-write. Right now I've finished an initiall re-write of xerath as well as significant Nami updates. I've heard the brand and cass also work very well and likely wont need much if any changes. 


The rest are hit and miss as they are a few years old at this point. Strangely I've heard lulu fps was fine from someone else - I'm wondering if it's less about the champ and more about scripts being active at once or random chance for some ppl to get fps drops. 



I haven't tired your stuff yet, I will tonight. Cant wait. 

What's the best here guys? Did you ever get around to finish that standalone Syndra? Syndra is my fav champ :D


Brand, Xerath and Cass were always my 3 favorite to play in this. Xerath has gotten a full re-write and works fantastic and I've heard the other two still work as expected after these years. 


I'm crazy busy with work so I only really do some dev on the weekends so sadly Syndra not done yet. 

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Thanks for the reply. I will try those 3 tonight. Also thanks for carry on to support this project. I look forward to be testing the Syndra! :D

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Why did you remove Pyke from the script? It was working pretty well.

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Why did you remove Pyke from the script? It was working pretty well.



I'm... shocked to hear that. I wrote the script before the champ was ever released and it was super basic. 


I'll re-add it tonight if you're enjoying using it. If you have revamp requests for the script let me know and I'll add it to the list. 


Basically I removed all the old simple/poor functionality champs from the script until I could re-write them and make sure they were up to a certain level of quality I'd like to maintain for my releases. 


<edit> Pyke Re-added now. 


Also tweaked Xerath so he will tap Q if target in range and combo active. Charging Q is MANUAL START ONLY.

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