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[OLD❓]Auto 3.0 - Step up your game! [Auto update - activator - many champs] -- Assist Mode

Best Answer Aristo , 25 June 2018 - 10:06

How to Install Auto 3.0:


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Might just be me, but it seems like zilean is only using half of his cast range for bombs.



Casts at max range for me. It might be that you're expecting it to double bomb which it wont do unless it can first use E (Q + E on cooldown uses W, means it can bomb again)




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Fiora's script needs to add auto hit 4 vitals as soon as she uses ult


also please add Q drawing 

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Fiora's script needs to add auto hit 4 vitals as soon as she uses ult


also please add Q drawing 



It will Q to any vitals in range. This is an assist tool if you want to hit the others with melee then walk in that direction. When Q comes off cooldown it will go ahead and hit the next one.


Range drawing will be something I'll prob add soon as an option. 




Activator Updates


-Locket added: Allies and CC type config. Combo or auto toggle
-QSS/Scimitar added: CC type config. Combo or auto toggle
-Exhaust added: Combo or auto toggle. Peel distance slider

-Twin Shadows added: Max ally distance, Max cast range. When in combo mode it will check for enemies with allies near them who are within your max cast range. Easy assists and kills secured with the slow and vision!
-Locket added: # of enemies required, % HP per ally, % Current HP incoming Dmg: If all 3 checks past it casts it. Basically if burst dmg incoming near you it will use it.
-Redemption added: # of targets required, % HP per ally. It checks for allies below hp limit, then predicts out how many heroes will be hit (allies + enemies). Then casts (ONLY CASTS ON SCREEN FOR RELIABILITY REASONS)

-Improved code for Botrk/gunblade: no longer requires you to use an auto attack before they cast. Tiamat and others still used as AA resets


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with mf



nvm mf in 2.0 is better (in q and in e use)

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with mf
nvm mf in 2.0 is better (in q and in e use)

push f6 twice. that error shouldn't cause any problems but reloading the script will solve it

what about 2.0 do you prefer? the 3.0 has better bounce and KS prediction as well as using e on number of enemies which is very strong in team fights. it's a big step up. if something isn't working let me know what so it can be improved.
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here's my simple feedback, now i'm road to challenger using only WR and Auto 3.0, both of those are god tier AIO! Thanks sikaka and rman! taTYedVgSg_e8EJmvugceQ.png

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here's my simple feedback, now i'm road to challenger using only WR and Auto 3.0, both of those are god tier AIO! Thanks sikaka and rman! taTYedVgSg_e8EJmvugceQ.png

wich champs do u use?

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Love the Xerath in this.  I find I land a lot more Q's with this than with Lazyxerath.  I do struggle with the ultimate though.  How does the Assist work under the ultimate settings?  It sometimes starts flinging Ults at random targets instead of focusing one.

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Love the Xerath in this.  I find I land a lot more Q's with this than with Lazyxerath.  I do struggle with the ultimate though.  How does the Assist work under the ultimate settings?  It sometimes starts flinging Ults at random targets instead of focusing one.



The assist key will search for the target closest to your mouse (current position) and then will predict how far to lead them and cast there instead. I suggest turning off auto ult (too predictable to dodge, or set it to a high accuracy rate like 4 so it only targets dashes/immobiles) and then use the assist key instead. I feel that's the most reliable way.  


Honestly the playstyle of having it assist and aim Q for you and auto W/E reliably is I think the far better way to play. You get a LOT more control over when and how to use skills but it still does the majority of the heavy lifting for you. The current prediction has a pretty good way of handling his skills so it's a great fit :D

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Alright, that's about what I expected.  I'll tinker with my settings and take it back out on the rift!


The assist key will search for the target closest to your mouse (current position) and then will predict how far to lead them and cast there instead. I suggest turning off auto ult (too predictable to dodge, or set it to a high accuracy rate like 4 so it only targets dashes/immobiles) and then use the assist key instead. I feel that's the most reliable way.  


Honestly the playstyle of having it assist and aim Q for you and auto W/E reliably is I think the far better way to play. You get a LOT more control over when and how to use skills but it still does the majority of the heavy lifting for you. The current prediction has a pretty good way of handling his skills so it's a great fit :D

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No offense. I love alot of your other stuff but you should of never released Tailyah.. it's absolutely ****. I can hold space for about 10 seconds with someone in clear plain sight with not a single damn minion in sight and it literally does nothing at all. the combo is slow and sucky.


I love your other work though.

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Ahhhhhhhhhh finally its kinda released. klappa

I cant wait for ext got updated and test brand and lux with this A 3.0.


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No offense. I love alot of your other stuff but you should of never released Tailyah.. it's absolutely ****. I can hold space for about 10 seconds with someone in clear plain sight with not a single damn minion in sight and it literally does nothing at all. the combo is slow and sucky.


I love your other work though.


Strange all through testing I've had people telling me it worked really well. 


What accuracy settings do you have it at?

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Btw i test this script with morgana i wonder about her E shield but she didnt cast it once :(

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with mf



nvm mf in 2.0 is better (in q and in e use)

that error u get cause u use difrend orb i got this before when i was use gamsterion orb just use Ic's orb and will be fine i can bet

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Btw i test this script with morgana i wonder about her E shield but she didnt cast it once :(



She uses it to block CC spells - not every spell in the game can be handled by the bot and even those that can be handled, not all are added yet.


Expect to see it block things like blitz hooks, morg binding, ahri charms, etc. Things like that are fairly easy for the bot to block. Things like jax stun cant be blocked cause the bot doesn't have access to any of the data it would need (and they can choose when to detonate it)

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She uses it to block CC spells - not every spell in the game can be handled by the bot and even those that can be handled, not all are added yet.


Expect to see it block things like blitz hooks, morg binding, ahri charms, etc. Things like that are fairly easy for the bot to block. Things like jax stun cant be blocked cause the bot doesn't have access to any of the data it would need (and they can choose when to detonate it)

ahh that is awesome i guess cause i didnt meet any of them did she cast E on your ally also ?

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ahh that is awesome i guess cause i didnt meet any of them did she cast E on your ally also ?



Yes it certainly should.

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Kayle added


-Q on killsteal, combo, harass, peel range, mana limit

-W on predicted ally HP %

-E on combo/harass and enemy in range

-R on incoming CC ally hp %

-R on predicted ally HP % and incoming Dmg %. Checks for enemies in range


Cassio updated


-Auto E on enemies about to be hit by Q (manual or bot uses Q it will instant E for bonus psn dmg. After that choose to follow up or dont)

-Added E usage in harass mode to hit poisoned enemies

-Fixed rare issue where it seemed she would stop casting spells for a few sec in combo mode

-Added toggle to turn on/off auto attacks in combo mode. Autos always turn back on when under 15% mana

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