Fixed most of my scripts - using cracked account so I went and did what I could. The following have been done:
Karthus - Q Pred Speed up - Bug Checks
Zed - Faster Combo / Fixed Pred Error
Orianna - Fixer her ult spam - May have prediction issues for high pingers because GetPing is broken (returns 50) / Added Damage Indicator
Irelia - Item fix - Damage Improvement(Includes passive) / Improved Harass
LeeSin - Ward Trinket broken from core (No insec)
Yasuo - Broken from the core / Buffs return wrong values
Katarina - Fixed Damage Indicator
Viktor - Fixed Damage Indicator
Need to fix:
Viktor (Functional)
Core issues (Gos) <----- Can't fix these due to GoS itself being broken.
Buff issues returns wrong value from core
myHero.barpos broken - some champs wont show they can kill target
Mouspos broken - sometimes spams on target from core
Getping only returns 50