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(*OUTDATED*) Saga Scripts AIO [Mega Thread] - Added Camille

aio saga isaga external scripts

Best Answer iSaga , 15 September 2018 - 09:59


Tightened E on Irelia and Fixed her damage on her spells. (No more missing minions)


Camille - Fixed some damage and gave her more logic on harass and clear.


Other champs had minor prediction/dmg tweaks. You will see as they updated.

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when yasuo and zed prediction fix? i wait for that bro <3

I cant fix yasuo. Yasuos ult is broken from core. Zed is broken due to core changes. Will fix zed soon. Yasuo fere has to fix buffs.

Also for auto settings turn off auto... I personally dont use auto settings except for ks.
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I cant fix yasuo. Yasuos ult is broken from core. Zed is broken due to core changes. Will fix zed soon. Yasuo fere has to fix buffs.

Also for auto settings turn off auto... I personally dont use auto settings except for ks.

Yea i hear you on that, i just dont like weaving orianna AA's during endgame so i prefer auto + flee. Thanks though <3

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Yeah I can fix that.


I am basically going to purge my scripts when I have a chance either today or tomorrow. 


The following will be done:


-Fix all listed fixes from the GREEN text above.

-Make my scripts compatible with my beta stuff and Gos new orbwalker

-Take suggestions and feedback and put them in as I polish them.

-Work on the next script if time is on my side. 


Thank you for the support!


For more interactive feedback and fixed please come to my discord.


Asking because I didn't see a post saying updates were pushed -- updates pushed?

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Asking because I didn't see a post saying updates were pushed -- updates pushed?

Sadly no. It took a while for gos to stablize most of its core. As a result life caught up to me. Between balancing school/work (full time) and making time for my own son has been difficult. Plus I mandated myself to go to the gym for the past year - 5 days a week. School semester started 2 weeks ago right when gos was stable.

Once my school pans out ill have more time, but for now im aiming at weekends to push updates.
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Did you look lee sin?

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Yasuo script sometimes problem work combo ( repair pls ) 

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Yasuo script sometimes problem work combo ( repair pls )

Specifics or I have no clue what to fix. His ult is broken nothing i can do until core is fixed.
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Did you look lee sin?

Sadly no but if you give detailed issues I can solve it quicker.
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Can you add gsorbwalker? Does not work with it.

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which orbwalker should I use for talon?

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Gso orb wont work for now as hebhad changed his api.

For orbwalker any should be fine but i have preferences based on champs.
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could we get DFG added to activator please? would make the scripts even more op on nexus blitz

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Gso orb wont work for now as hebhad changed his api.

For orbwalker any should be fine but i have preferences based on champs.

hello, what s the best for irelia ?

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hello, what s the best for irelia ?

Its a melee (other than yasuo) shouldnt matter. Just play with hold radius.
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Fixed most of my scripts - using cracked account so I went and did what I could. The following have been done:


Karthus - Q Pred Speed up - Bug Checks
Zed - Faster Combo / Fixed Pred Error
Orianna - Fixer her ult spam - May have prediction issues for high pingers because GetPing is broken (returns 50) / Added Damage Indicator
Irelia - Item fix - Damage Improvement(Includes passive) / Improved Harass
LeeSin - Ward Trinket broken from core (No insec)
Yasuo - Broken from the core / Buffs return wrong values
Katarina - Fixed Damage Indicator
Viktor - Fixed Damage Indicator
Need to fix:
Viktor (Functional)
Core issues (Gos) <----- Can't fix these due to GoS itself being broken.
Buff issues returns wrong value from core
myHero.barpos broken - some champs wont show they can kill target
Mouspos broken - sometimes spams on target from core
Getping only returns 50

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Fixed most of my scripts - using cracked account so I went and did what I could. The following have been done:


Karthus - Q Pred Speed up - Bug Checks
Zed - Faster Combo / Fixed Pred Error
Orianna - Fixer her ult spam - May have prediction issues for high pingers because GetPing is broken (returns 50) / Added Damage Indicator
Irelia - Item fix - Damage Improvement(Includes passive) / Improved Harass
LeeSin - Ward Trinket broken from core (No insec)
Yasuo - Broken from the core / Buffs return wrong values
Katarina - Fixed Damage Indicator
Viktor - Fixed Damage Indicator
Need to fix:
Viktor (Functional)
Core issues (Gos) <----- Can't fix these due to GoS itself being broken.
Buff issues returns wrong value from core
myHero.barpos broken - some champs wont show they can kill target
Mouspos broken - sometimes spams on target from core
Getping only returns 50


Nice. Ty man appreciate all the hard work .!

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Fixed most of my scripts - using cracked account so I went and did what I could. The following have been done:


Karthus - Q Pred Speed up - Bug Checks
Zed - Faster Combo / Fixed Pred Error
Orianna - Fixer her ult spam - May have prediction issues for high pingers because GetPing is broken (returns 50) / Added Damage Indicator
Irelia - Item fix - Damage Improvement(Includes passive) / Improved Harass
LeeSin - Ward Trinket broken from core (No insec)
Yasuo - Broken from the core / Buffs return wrong values
Katarina - Fixed Damage Indicator
Viktor - Fixed Damage Indicator
Need to fix:
Viktor (Functional)
Core issues (Gos) <----- Can't fix these due to GoS itself being broken.
Buff issues returns wrong value from core
myHero.barpos broken - some champs wont show they can kill target
Mouspos broken - sometimes spams on target from core
Getping only returns 50



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Fixed most of my scripts - using cracked account so I went and did what I could. The following have been done:


Karthus - Q Pred Speed up - Bug Checks
Zed - Faster Combo / Fixed Pred Error
Orianna - Fixer her ult spam - May have prediction issues for high pingers because GetPing is broken (returns 50) / Added Damage Indicator
Irelia - Item fix - Damage Improvement(Includes passive) / Improved Harass
LeeSin - Ward Trinket broken from core (No insec)
Yasuo - Broken from the core / Buffs return wrong values
Katarina - Fixed Damage Indicator
Viktor - Fixed Damage Indicator
Need to fix:
Viktor (Functional)
Core issues (Gos) <----- Can't fix these due to GoS itself being broken.
Buff issues returns wrong value from core
myHero.barpos broken - some champs wont show they can kill target
Mouspos broken - sometimes spams on target from core
Getping only returns 50


keep it up love u  :wub:

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zed is so bad now for me... better before that last fix

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zed is so bad now for me... better before that last fix

Nothing changed other than Q reacting quicker tbh. .10 of a second change on w. GetPing returns 50 so if your ping is above 50 that can be somewhat of an issue.
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: aio, saga, isaga, external, scripts

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