If you do manage to do that, could you also try to reverse-engineer it so it hits the ball in the opposite direction of your own goal? I realize it would be difficult to do, because you'd probably have to make it rapidly check for good/bad axis angles based off the direction of the car (any probably other variables as well) to know if the car is going to hit a part of the ball that would result in the ball going in certain directions, while also trying to hit that intercept point.
Well, I think one way to do this would be to get the angles of the ball, the player and the center of the goal, then offset the current target position by some calculate value, so the bot will try to hit the ball away from our own goal. It won't be perfectly on-point, but it can be done after some tweaking.
Also, one more suggestion, can you make an option in the aerial bot for fast aerial? So basically, if you are holding the aerial button and you jump, it turns it into a fast aerial for you?
How would a 'fast aerial' look like ? You can currently do it yourself, manually, by holding the aerial bot hotkey ( F ), then double jumping and boosting, all at the same time.
My goal in the Aerial bot was: When you hold the hotkey button ( F ) to do the aerial, and the rest - boosting, jumping, manually, and smoothly