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Just Evade | Modernized, Optimized, Smooth, API

evade reborn justevade gos external gos evade

Best Answer Aristo , 12 January 2024 - 01:27

(LoL) Update pushed for XYZ data, and new map changes, restart your loaders to get it! (Evade should be working now)

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LMK if he's done anything else
+ Update for ya

Made flash danger adjustable c:


 Working on it, need a Rell for Testing

 Possible fix, we had an issue(out of our control) for pos especially with prediction. Haven't had a yasuo/yone enemy for testing

I don't typically use flash evade so I'm not sure on the DNSactivator issue, I'd say make sure DNS is updated.
In my testing both work no issues even if I swap summ slots Flash/Ignite, Flash evade + Pyke E evade + Ignite, with unlimited cooldowns.
Try my update and let me know if it's fixed
I did edit some of the slot stuff and reverted a change that looked:unsure: like it force guess flash was on F, respekt out to those who flash D

I also added logic to try to flash at max range for less smol sus flashes c: just for you

 Not sure on this one, any more info?



v1.1.8 // Impuls here o/ with a [WIP]
+ Edited to my github fork for Icons / Versioning
+ Adding Belveth (TESTING, Belveth W should work)
+ Fixing Rell (TESTING and Adjustment/recode possibly needed)
+ Fixed usage of Flash and added Danger Level: added some logic for Flash Range
If it uses flash it'll try at max flash distance for less sus smol flashes (TESTED, walls may still cause smol flash but still dodge spell just "/all worth" ? ^^ )
Edited up some of the flash coding, now fits in more with JustEvade and gets Flash.range data 
+ Updated and added support for evade skill movementspeed modifiers (TESTING)
[ AnnieE, AkaliW, AhriW, BlitzcrankW, DravenW, GarenQ, KaisaE, KayleW, KatarinaW, RumbleW, ShyvanaW, SkarnerW, SonaE, TeemoW, UdyrE, VolibearQ ] 
+ Updated and added support for channelbuffs: not to dodge while in example = Xerath R, Katarina R, Vladimir W
[ Warwick R ,MissFortune R, Beveth E]
Testing or info needed for 
[ Caitlyn R, , FiddleSticks W and R (DISABLED), VelkozR, Vladimir W]
Buff names and champ skills getting reworked or updated // A lib for this would be nice.
+ Forced Dodge sets skill.Danger >= 2 (you wont use flash even is set to >=4 in my testing, just ensures you try to dodge)

+ Tried playing dodge the Mundo Q - it's a rito hitbot for sure ()

 My WIP updates for Ark223's JustEvade + Zbysiu's 1.1.7:

Re-download it here! (Firstly delete it on your loader then re-install here!)
Remember to reload at game start with 2xF6!

thanks brother

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Good job sir!

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There is a Yasuo problem with this evade. Just tested 3 days ago. Can't seem to find the reason... A yellow code appears on the top left of the screen and all scripts stop working, then i need to press f6 to reload the scripts again. 

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for somereason, sometimes the evade only load 1 of the enemy team abilites, and do not load the others, (for instance, there's morg,amumu,lux on enemy team) when i f6 ingame to load their abilites on the evade it shows only lux abilites and give me the option to choose their danger level, while amumu,morg abilites doesnt shown (eventho the evade dodge it) + is there any kind of utility that will cancel autoatacks in order to dodge the dangerous spells? because smtimes it try to dodge their abilites but i click by amistake on the oppisite direction and get hit by it

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Would be great if someone could update it to detect Ahri skillshots again.

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Would be great if someone could update it to detect Ahri skillshots again.


Go to line 152/153 in the script and just change the skill name to AhriQ and AhriE. Riot changed the name of these skills recently.




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Go to line 152/153 in the script and just change the skill name to AhriQ and AhriE. Riot changed the name of these skills recently.





Any idea how to make it detect Varus Q and Thresh Q?

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I realized is trying to dogde some skills like lee Q and then came back and got the skilled not dodged 

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Any idea how to make it detect Varus Q and Thresh Q?

Sorry for the seriously late reply, but Thresh's Q is actually a missile so it's calculated differently. Tracking missiles in real time is a huge no-no but there are smart ways it can be worked around. The first solution I can think of is checking for if Thresh's active spell is his Q, doing a single missile search for his hook object, and tracking the angle its shooting at.

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Here is an updated version of JustEvade that includes skillshots from the newer champs (and Vex Q):



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Here is an updated version of JustEvade that includes skillshots from the newer champs (and Vex Q):



for some reason this heavy drops my fps :/

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for some reason this heavy drops my fps :/

I only added the new champions, that's it. You probably have your settings changes, stuff like missiles will lag you to all hell.

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I only added the new champions, that's it. You probably have your settings changes, stuff like missiles will lag you to all hell.

Yep keep the "missle" option disabled. 

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Sorry for the seriously late reply, but Thresh's Q is actually a missile so it's calculated differently. Tracking missiles in real time is a huge no-no but there are smart ways it can be worked around. The first solution I can think of is checking for if Thresh's active spell is his Q, doing a single missile search for his hook object, and tracking the angle its shooting at.


Could you add it? Not even the evading of it, just the draw.


Few things I noticed, ThreshEFlay needs to be changed to ThreshE to detect. For Q, there needs to be a change from ThreshQ to ThreshQInternal. Although the Evade does ignore Thresh Q's, because it has exception set to true.


So far SkillshotDetector draws Thresh Q missile correctly, although it would be nice to have it in Evade and start drawing before missile creation.

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update 13.20 Ziggs Q radius has been increased from 150 > 180

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Are there any parameters to modify so that the autoevade is not so blatantly notorious by deafault?

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Are there any parameters to modify so that the autoevade is not so blatantly notorious by deafault?


Honestly you should just disable dodge and only enable draws 

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Getting so many errors during game. I think a lot of updated skills or champions are not drawing. So many skill shot abilities not drawing.
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Patch killed

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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: evade, reborn, justevade, gos external, gos evade

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