LMK if he's done anything else
+ Update for ya
Made flash danger adjustable c:
Working on it, need a Rell for Testing
Possible fix, we had an issue(out of our control) for pos especially with prediction. Haven't had a yasuo/yone enemy for testing
I don't typically use flash evade so I'm not sure on the DNSactivator issue, I'd say make sure DNS is updated.
In my testing both work no issues even if I swap summ slots Flash/Ignite, Flash evade + Pyke E evade + Ignite, with unlimited cooldowns.
Try my update and let me know if it's fixed
I did edit some of the slot stuff and reverted a change that looked:unsure: like it force guess flash was on F, respekt out to those who flash D
I also added logic to try to flash at max range for less smol sus flashes c: just for you
Not sure on this one, any more info?
v1.1.8 // Impuls here o/ with a [WIP]+ Edited to my github fork for Icons / Versioning+ Adding Belveth (TESTING, Belveth W should work)+ Fixing Rell (TESTING and Adjustment/recode possibly needed)+ Fixed usage of Flash and added Danger Level: added some logic for Flash RangeIf it uses flash it'll try at max flash distance for less sus smol flashes (TESTED, walls may still cause smol flash but still dodge spell just "/all worth" ? ^^ )Edited up some of the flash coding, now fits in more with JustEvade and gets Flash.range data+ Updated and added support for evade skill movementspeed modifiers (TESTING)[ AnnieE, AkaliW, AhriW, BlitzcrankW, DravenW, GarenQ, KaisaE, KayleW, KatarinaW, RumbleW, ShyvanaW, SkarnerW, SonaE, TeemoW, UdyrE, VolibearQ ]+ Updated and added support for channelbuffs: not to dodge while in example = Xerath R, Katarina R, Vladimir W[ Warwick R ,MissFortune R, Beveth E]Testing or info needed for[ Caitlyn R, , FiddleSticks W and R (DISABLED), VelkozR, Vladimir W]Buff names and champ skills getting reworked or updated // A lib for this would be nice.+ Forced Dodge sets skill.Danger >= 2 (you wont use flash even is set to >=4 in my testing, just ensures you try to dodge)+ Tried playing dodge the Mundo Q - it's a rito hitbot for sure ()
My WIP updates for Ark223's JustEvade + Zbysiu's 1.1.7:
Re-download it here! (Firstly delete it on your loader then re-install here!)
Remember to reload at game start with 2xF6!
thanks brother