Any more info maybe? I don't disconnect with her. played multiple games
Any more info maybe? I don't disconnect with her. played multiple games
Keeps crashing here and there played with Lucian, I've been playing and every few mins having disconnection from game then need to reload by pressing x2 F6.
Should be checked out. - Never happend before with any script or today at all.
Info about the disconnection, its just looks for a minute I am froze with Lucian then can't do nothing and whole game being stuck for like 30sec-1m then shows reconnected.
Same situation as @ippleman. I had every 1-2minutes disconnect for 15-20 seconds then reconnect. from the beggining to the end of the game or maybe to the middle in all games, its not hapenned on another scripts
i have the same issue with disconnects
I'm experiencing the game crashing while using Riven, is it just me? Great job btw! - Edit, sorry I saw now in the comments that other people experienced it aswell.
I have a bug, the script on xerath did't cast spell and now i got this error : https://prnt.sc/10jz07o$ only the E is cast
anyway , thanks for the work
also keeps crashiong for me
Kalista E steal dragon damage not correct, can you fix it? thanks! also you can check and test jungle last hit damage.
Hi, just wanted to give a quick feedback on Ezreal.
Basically I tested it and for working it works. However, the Q on Harras is not great, I mean it doesn't do it almost at all I would suggest to do an Auto Q whenever there is the chance and a toggle one that u can activate or deactivate with a Key.
The E logic I think is a bit messed up, basically no matter what or how many champ or minions it just E's in the enemies face which I guess shouldn't be doing.
Hope this might help to improve it.
still crashes allot
still crashes allot
try only with ggaio and wr aio, disable anything else.
Keeps crashing here and there played with Lucian, I've been playing and every few mins having disconnection from game then need to reload by pressing x2 F6.
Should be checked out. - Never happend before with any script or today at all.
Info about the disconnection, its just looks for a minute I am froze with Lucian then can't do nothing and whole game being stuck for like 30sec-1m then shows reconnected.
Fixed somehow, not sure what have I done but playing only with this and orb.
Fixed somehow, not sure what have I done but playing only with this and orb.
its pretty sure not WRAIO that crashes I had no issues and still had none.
Regarding logic and such, I will release my own Series. high Quality scripts with nice logics.
its pretty sure not WRAIO that crashes
I had no issues and still had none.
Regarding logic and such, I will release my own Series. high Quality scripts with nice logics.
Great, looking forward to it !
I found an error while playing corki! I was just holding space bar and this popped up in certain situations! https://imgur.com/gaHGv0D
I also have the same problem with riven "disconnecting" and "reconnecting" "bug".
If you press q while holding combo key (or any other orbwalker key) you will get disconnected and reconnected.
My only work around so far is to make sure i dont press any skill manually when im using the riven script lol
I also have the same problem with riven "disconnecting" and "reconnecting" "bug".
If you press q while holding combo key (or any other orbwalker key) you will get disconnected and reconnected.
My only work around so far is to make sure i dont press any skill manually when im using the riven script lol
I think there's a problem with Riven but not with the riven script, so sadly maybe give up on her and play with other champs, cause the problem is so weird we do not know why does it happen.
Anyway to add thresh dont q2 i wanna do it manually it instant q2
With my knowledge, high APM (and I mean like 100+ output commands a second) WILL cause you to disconnect and reconnect.
Riven script probably spamming too much.
Also, can you add an option to jax script so it wouldn't use Q in certain given radius? Other jax script (AiO) have it but I am having issues with crashes.
Lucian 50% of the times dont use Ulti. Add E for harrass
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